News Media

'Politico' gives a loud wake-up call to Spain's Pedro Sánchez

'Politico' gives a loud wake-up call to Spain's Pedro Sánchez

Lluís Bou

Thursday, 13 of august of 2020 - 22:41

BBC Covid graph shows Spain has become the sick man of Europe again

BBC Covid graph shows Spain has become the sick man of Europe again

El Nacional

Friday, 7 of august of 2020 - 00:17

Spain's Juan Carlos crisis could fuel "a new Catalan independence push", says Bloomberg

Spain's Juan Carlos crisis could fuel "a new Catalan independence push", says Bloomberg

Lluís Bou

Wednesday, 5 of august of 2020 - 19:38

The secret document that incriminates Spain's former king Juan Carlos I

The secret document that incriminates Spain's former king Juan Carlos I

Alba Solé Ingla

Tuesday, 7 of july of 2020 - 20:22

The Spanish monarchy and the huge role of the printed dailies

The Spanish monarchy and the huge role of the printed dailies

José Antich

Tuesday, 23 of june of 2020 - 18:26

Royal corruption and the luxury honeymoon of Mr and Mrs Smith

Royal corruption and the luxury honeymoon of Mr and Mrs Smith

José Antich

Monday, 22 of june of 2020 - 17:19

German doctors, horrified: "Did Spain leave its old people to die?"

German doctors, horrified: "Did Spain leave its old people to die?"

Lluís Bou

Friday, 12 of june of 2020 - 23:27

The trail of laundered money left by Spain's Juan Carlos I

The trail of laundered money left by Spain's Juan Carlos I

El Nacional

Thursday, 11 of june of 2020 - 01:11

'Off the record' or putting your foot in it?

'Off the record' or putting your foot in it?

José Antich

Tuesday, 2 of june of 2020 - 17:08

German TV report's verdict on Spain: "No sign of cohesion" as crises unfold

German TV report's verdict on Spain: "No sign of cohesion" as crises unfold

Lluís Bou

Thursday, 21 of may of 2020 - 20:14

Junqueras, critical of Sánchez in interview that Spanish public radio withheld

Junqueras, critical of Sánchez in interview that Spanish public radio withheld

Núria Casas

Thursday, 7 of may of 2020 - 20:13

'Frankfurter Allgemeine' criticises Sánchez: "He has no plan, creates confusion"

'Frankfurter Allgemeine' criticises Sánchez: "He has no plan, creates confusion"

Lluís Bou

Thursday, 30 of april of 2020 - 23:43

Spain is the least safe country in Europe in times of coronavirus, says 'Forbes'

Spain is the least safe country in Europe in times of coronavirus, says 'Forbes'

El Nacional

Thursday, 16 of april of 2020 - 21:10

Let's not lose our ambition: we want to be more

Let's not lose our ambition: we want to be more

José Antich

Thursday, 16 of april of 2020 - 17:54

Sánchez and the 'new' Moncloa pacts

Sánchez and the 'new' Moncloa pacts

José Antich

Sunday, 5 of april of 2020 - 18:20

Fungal infestation in all frigates sold by Spain to Norway

Fungal infestation in all frigates sold by Spain to Norway

El Nacional

Saturday, 4 of april of 2020 - 21:44

Coronavirus | Catalan family's video shares the cheerful exhaustion of life in lockdown

Coronavirus | Catalan family's video shares the cheerful exhaustion of life in lockdown

Lluís Bou

Friday, 3 of april of 2020 - 01:03

Coronavirus | Draft of tough new Spanish lockdown rules responds to Torra's call

Coronavirus | Draft of tough new Spanish lockdown rules responds to Torra's call

Lluís Bou

Friday, 27 of march of 2020 - 20:11

Coronavirus death rate in Catalonia now rising more steeply than northern Italy

Coronavirus death rate in Catalonia now rising more steeply than northern Italy

El Nacional

Tuesday, 24 of march of 2020 - 23:14

The New York Times strongly criticises Spain's government on coronavirus policies

The New York Times strongly criticises Spain's government on coronavirus policies

Lluís Bou

Saturday, 14 of march of 2020 - 22:39

The press and Juan Carlos I's scandals

The press and Juan Carlos I's scandals

José Antich

Sunday, 8 of march of 2020 - 17:12

‘Le Figaro’ publishes on the front page the royal scandal that Madrid press hides

‘Le Figaro’ publishes on the front page the royal scandal that Madrid press hides

El Nacional

Saturday, 7 of march of 2020 - 18:48

pastilla video
Spanish Supreme Court endorses censorship and fines against TV3

Spanish Supreme Court endorses censorship and fines against TV3

El Nacional

Friday, 6 of march of 2020 - 22:17

Retired Spanish king’s $100 million scandal in Swiss bank bursts into main German newspaper

Retired Spanish king’s $100 million scandal in Swiss bank bursts into main German newspaper

Lluís Bou

Friday, 6 of march of 2020 - 19:17

International press scandalized by Juan Carlos I's millions in a Swiss bank

International press scandalized by Juan Carlos I's millions in a Swiss bank

Lluís Bou

Thursday, 5 of march of 2020 - 19:19

Catalonia is southern Europe's best region for investment, says prestigious study

Catalonia is southern Europe's best region for investment, says prestigious study

El Nacional / ACN

Tuesday, 11 of february of 2020 - 21:31

After leaders' summit, Catalan president tells Reuters: "We will be independent"

After leaders' summit, Catalan president tells Reuters: "We will be independent"

Lluís Bou

Friday, 7 of february of 2020 - 20:21

Perpinyà newspaper says up to 100,000 people are expected at Puigdemont event

Perpinyà newspaper says up to 100,000 people are expected at Puigdemont event

Cèlia Forment i Bori

Sunday, 26 of january of 2020 - 20:04

Oriol Junqueras emphatically denies independence is a fraud: "That's bullsh*t!"

Oriol Junqueras emphatically denies independence is a fraud: "That's bullsh*t!"

El Nacional

Saturday, 18 of january of 2020 - 20:54

Süddeutsche Zeitung article: "EU Parliament must try and work with Puigdemont"

Süddeutsche Zeitung article: "EU Parliament must try and work with Puigdemont"

Marc González

Saturday, 18 of january of 2020 - 18:35

VIDEO | Vox supporters attack and abuse TV crew at Barcelona protest

VIDEO | Vox supporters attack and abuse TV crew at Barcelona protest

El Nacional

Sunday, 12 of january of 2020 - 22:46

World media reports Belgium's suspension of Puigdemont extradition demand

World media reports Belgium's suspension of Puigdemont extradition demand

Lluís Bou

Thursday, 2 of january of 2020 - 19:42

Russian diplomats take humorous aim at Spanish media's spy claims

Russian diplomats take humorous aim at Spanish media's spy claims

Marc González

Sunday, 29 of december of 2019 - 23:31

'Financial Times' says Scotland has a right to a second referendum

'Financial Times' says Scotland has a right to a second referendum

El Nacional

Monday, 23 of december of 2019 - 22:50

pastilla video
'Libération' describes vividly how "Spanish tempers snapped in Strasbourg"

'Libération' describes vividly how "Spanish tempers snapped in Strasbourg"

El Nacional

Monday, 23 of december of 2019 - 19:53

pastilla podcast
John Carlin: "The EU court ruling felt like a response to Camp Nou's protest chants"

John Carlin: "The EU court ruling felt like a response to Camp Nou's protest chants"

El Nacional

Sunday, 22 of december of 2019 - 22:13

'The Sunday Times' gives Spanish justice a Christmas roasting

'The Sunday Times' gives Spanish justice a Christmas roasting

El Nacional

Sunday, 22 of december of 2019 - 19:52

Spain's "hard line" on Catalonia is a disaster, says study in 'Washington Post'

Spain's "hard line" on Catalonia is a disaster, says study in 'Washington Post'

El Nacional

Saturday, 14 of december of 2019 - 21:44

Russian TV focuses on injustices and discriminations in the Spanish army

Russian TV focuses on injustices and discriminations in the Spanish army

El Nacional

Sunday, 8 of december of 2019 - 20:19

pastilla video
Death of Amadeo, 80 years after heart-rending Spanish Civil War photo

Death of Amadeo, 80 years after heart-rending Spanish Civil War photo

Cèlia Forment i Bori

Saturday, 23 of november of 2019 - 20:56