Jordi Turull

Catalan TV news in 100 seconds

Catalan TV news in 100 seconds

Catalan News / ACN
Where are you, bishops?

Where are you, bishops?

Iu Forn
Catalan parliament converts disrupted session into tribute to jailed and exiled MPs
New Catalan Government

Catalan parliament converts disrupted session into tribute to jailed and exiled MPs

Carlota Camps / Carlota Camps / Nicolas Tomás
A country in shock

A country in shock

José Antich
Steadfast goodbyes from Turull and Rull
Referendum Investigation

Steadfast goodbyes from Turull and Rull

El Nacional
Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan News / ACN
CUP thwarts Turull, starts electoral count down
New Catalan Government

CUP thwarts Turull, starts electoral count down

Marta Lasalas
Plan C

Plan C

José Antich