Jordi Sànchez

pastilla video
Referendum case audio | Jordi Sànchez dismantles Llarena's "conspiracy" narrative

Referendum case audio | Jordi Sànchez dismantles Llarena's "conspiracy" narrative

Nicolas Tomás

Thursday, 1 of november of 2018 - 19:30

The 'Crida' makes its debut in society

The 'Crida' makes its debut in society

José Antich

Sunday, 28 of october of 2018 - 17:08

The independence movement cries out for unity

The independence movement cries out for unity

José Antich

Wednesday, 17 of october of 2018 - 17:47

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Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart, one year in prison: what we've learnt

Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart, one year in prison: what we've learnt

Gemma Liñán

Tuesday, 16 of october of 2018 - 22:32

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Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan News / ACN

Tuesday, 16 of october of 2018 - 21:50

Dispatch from the easing tensions

Dispatch from the easing tensions

José Antich

Tuesday, 16 of october of 2018 - 17:41

Amnesty International calls for the release of Jordi Sànchez, Jordi Cuixart

Amnesty International calls for the release of Jordi Sànchez, Jordi Cuixart

El Nacional

Monday, 15 of october of 2018 - 18:33

The prosecutors, in favour of an exemplary sentence

The prosecutors, in favour of an exemplary sentence

José Antich

Sunday, 14 of october of 2018 - 17:21

German paper 'Telepolis' accuses Spanish justice of "inventing" rebellion charges

German paper 'Telepolis' accuses Spanish justice of "inventing" rebellion charges

Lluís Bou

Saturday, 22 of september of 2018 - 20:39

Going back to ground zero

Going back to ground zero

José Antich

Friday, 21 of september of 2018 - 17:19

One year on, jailed Catalan activists the 'Jordis' say "We would do it again"

One year on, jailed Catalan activists the 'Jordis' say "We would do it again"

Carlota Camps

Thursday, 20 of september of 2018 - 22:10

When the problem isn't their master's, but ignorance

When the problem isn't their master's, but ignorance

José Antich

Friday, 31 of august of 2018 - 17:25

The Jordis, 300 days in prison

The Jordis, 300 days in prison

José Antich

Monday, 13 of august of 2018 - 17:23

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Amidst yellow ribbons, Junqueras, Romeva and 'the Jordis' arrive at Lledoners jail

Amidst yellow ribbons, Junqueras, Romeva and 'the Jordis' arrive at Lledoners jail

Gemma Liñán

Wednesday, 4 of july of 2018 - 18:47

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Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan News / ACN

Tuesday, 24 of april of 2018 - 21:11

Jordi Sànchez denounces his punishment for a message during the election

Jordi Sànchez denounces his punishment for a message during the election

El Nacional

Tuesday, 24 of april of 2018 - 17:43

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Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan News / ACN

Monday, 16 of april of 2018 - 20:44

Sànchez faces up to Llarena: "You cannot be a judge and a victim"

Sànchez faces up to Llarena: "You cannot be a judge and a victim"

Gemma Liñán

Monday, 16 of april of 2018 - 20:11

Julio Anguita: "The judge has convinced me that Spain has political prisoners"

Julio Anguita: "The judge has convinced me that Spain has political prisoners"

Alba Solé Ingla

Sunday, 15 of april of 2018 - 22:46

A yellow tide for liberty engulfs Barcelona

A yellow tide for liberty engulfs Barcelona

Marta Lasalas

Sunday, 15 of april of 2018 - 18:28

Parliament's legitimate right to defend itself

Parliament's legitimate right to defend itself

José Antich

Saturday, 14 of april of 2018 - 17:19

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Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan News / ACN

Thursday, 12 of april of 2018 - 22:00

Judge blocks Sànchez's investiture again

Judge blocks Sànchez's investiture again

Gemma Liñán

Thursday, 12 of april of 2018 - 18:12

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Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan News / ACN

Monday, 9 of april of 2018 - 20:51

Jordi Sànchez accepts candidature for Catalan presidency and appeals for dialogue

Jordi Sànchez accepts candidature for Catalan presidency and appeals for dialogue

Albert Acín

Sunday, 8 of april of 2018 - 19:11

Speaker proposes Sànchez as candidate for president again

Speaker proposes Sànchez as candidate for president again

Nicolas Tomás

Friday, 6 of april of 2018 - 20:07

UN urges Spain to guarantee Sànchez's political rights

UN urges Spain to guarantee Sànchez's political rights

Nicolas Tomás / Carlota Camps

Friday, 23 of march of 2018 - 20:57

Supreme Court keeps Joaquim Forn and Jordi Sànchez in prison

Supreme Court keeps Joaquim Forn and Jordi Sànchez in prison

Gemma Liñán

Thursday, 22 of march of 2018 - 19:17

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Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan News / ACN

Tuesday, 20 of march of 2018 - 21:33

Jordi Sànchez resigns as a deputy to give way to Turull

Jordi Sànchez resigns as a deputy to give way to Turull

Gemma Liñán

Tuesday, 20 of march of 2018 - 19:49

Plan C

Plan C

José Antich

Tuesday, 13 of march of 2018 - 18:47

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Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan News / ACN

Monday, 12 of march of 2018 - 21:04

Jordi Sànchez presents appeal to Spain's Supreme Court

Jordi Sànchez presents appeal to Spain's Supreme Court

Gemma Liñán

Monday, 12 of march of 2018 - 18:07

Comas: "The crime of rebellion is Tejero's armed invasion of Congress in 1981"

Comas: "The crime of rebellion is Tejero's armed invasion of Congress in 1981"

Nicolas Tomás

Saturday, 10 of march of 2018 - 22:59

Speaker postpones Sànchez's investiture debate awaiting Strasbourg's verdict

Speaker postpones Sànchez's investiture debate awaiting Strasbourg's verdict

Marta Lasalas

Friday, 9 of march of 2018 - 22:20

pastilla video
Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan News / ACN

Friday, 9 of march of 2018 - 21:12

Broad international coverage of the legal veto against Jordi Sànchez

Broad international coverage of the legal veto against Jordi Sànchez

El Nacional

Friday, 9 of march of 2018 - 19:34

Sànchez to turn to Strasbourg for permission to attend investiture debate

Sànchez to turn to Strasbourg for permission to attend investiture debate

El Nacional

Friday, 9 of march of 2018 - 19:04

Judge denies Sànchez permission to attend his investiture debate in Parliament

Judge denies Sànchez permission to attend his investiture debate in Parliament

Gemma Liñán

Friday, 9 of march of 2018 - 18:02

Sànchez's defence studying taking the investiture to the European Court of Human Rights

Sànchez's defence studying taking the investiture to the European Court of Human Rights

El Nacional / ACN

Wednesday, 7 of march of 2018 - 21:37