
When the 'gilets jaunes' speak Catalan

When the 'gilets jaunes' speak Catalan

El Nacional

Saturday, 8 of december of 2018 - 22:59

Over 240,000 protesters blockade French highways to oppose fuel tax rise

Over 240,000 protesters blockade French highways to oppose fuel tax rise

Anna Solé Sans

Saturday, 17 of november of 2018 - 20:47

pastilla video
The speech by Emmanuel Macron which shows up Spain's Felipe VI

The speech by Emmanuel Macron which shows up Spain's Felipe VI

El Nacional

Sunday, 4 of november of 2018 - 19:29

Journalists harassed and threatened by Spanish unionists at Barcelona march

Journalists harassed and threatened by Spanish unionists at Barcelona march

Marc González

Friday, 12 of october of 2018 - 20:55

"Good riddance", how the French National Assembly bid Manuel Valls farewell

"Good riddance", how the French National Assembly bid Manuel Valls farewell

El Nacional

Tuesday, 2 of october of 2018 - 19:31

Hundreds of entrepreneurs call for the Mediterranean Corridor

Hundreds of entrepreneurs call for the Mediterranean Corridor

Carlota Serra

Thursday, 27 of september of 2018 - 23:08

The self-determination referendum Manuel Valls does defend

The self-determination referendum Manuel Valls does defend

Lluís Bou

Thursday, 27 of september of 2018 - 22:04

French TV turns the screws on Spanish ambassador (over yellow loops)

French TV turns the screws on Spanish ambassador (over yellow loops)

Lluís Bou

Friday, 14 of september of 2018 - 22:43

France is only EU country which could now extradite Puigdemont, according to lawyer

France is only EU country which could now extradite Puigdemont, according to lawyer

El Nacional

Friday, 20 of july of 2018 - 18:11

pastilla video
Torrent tells French-speaking countries of Spain's political prisoners and exiles

Torrent tells French-speaking countries of Spain's political prisoners and exiles

Alba Domingo

Sunday, 8 of july of 2018 - 21:10

Macron and Renzi working with Ciudadanos party on joint European election brand

Macron and Renzi working with Ciudadanos party on joint European election brand

El Nacional

Monday, 25 of june of 2018 - 20:30

The image of François Hollande displaying a yellow ribbon

The image of François Hollande displaying a yellow ribbon

El Nacional

Sunday, 3 of june of 2018 - 21:37

Hollande says Catalan conflict should be resolved "by democratic means"

Hollande says Catalan conflict should be resolved "by democratic means"

El Nacional

Monday, 28 of may of 2018 - 22:29

The things you know about Le Pen, Pedro!

The things you know about Le Pen, Pedro!

José Antich

Saturday, 19 of may of 2018 - 17:34

'Le Monde' explains secret French help with the Catalan independence referendum

'Le Monde' explains secret French help with the Catalan independence referendum

El Nacional

Friday, 18 of may of 2018 - 22:49

Petition in France for Manuel Valls to move to Barcelona

Petition in France for Manuel Valls to move to Barcelona

Lluís Bou

Wednesday, 25 of april of 2018 - 22:38

pastilla video
Former French PM Manuel Valls considering standing for mayor of Barcelona

Former French PM Manuel Valls considering standing for mayor of Barcelona

Alba Solé Ingla

Friday, 20 of april of 2018 - 18:51

Manifesto in 'Le Monde' calls for release of Catalan political prisoners

Manifesto in 'Le Monde' calls for release of Catalan political prisoners

El Nacional

Wednesday, 28 of march of 2018 - 20:08

20 years of ETA cases from France, in the hands of the Spanish government

20 years of ETA cases from France, in the hands of the Spanish government

Gemma Liñán

Friday, 9 of february of 2018 - 22:25

Thousands march in Corsica

Thousands march in Corsica

El Nacional

Saturday, 3 of february of 2018 - 21:17

Protests in France over Civil Guards looking for Puigdemont

Protests in France over Civil Guards looking for Puigdemont

El Nacional

Wednesday, 31 of january of 2018 - 21:27

King Felipe VI and Macron spoke about Catalonia

King Felipe VI and Macron spoke about Catalonia

El Nacional

Thursday, 25 of january of 2018 - 20:04

European cities fill with yellow for Catalan political prisoners

European cities fill with yellow for Catalan political prisoners

Tuesday, 16 of january of 2018 - 19:49

France shows up Spain's attitude to prisoners

France shows up Spain's attitude to prisoners

Alba Solé Ingla

Saturday, 13 of january of 2018 - 20:30

'Le Figaro' warns: "The constitution of the Catalan Parliament risks being troubled"

'Le Figaro' warns: "The constitution of the Catalan Parliament risks being troubled"

El Nacional

Monday, 8 of january of 2018 - 20:04

Rajoy says he only plans to meet with Arrimadas (to a whole host of comments from France)

Rajoy says he only plans to meet with Arrimadas (to a whole host of comments from France)

El Nacional

Friday, 22 of december of 2017 - 20:32

Spanish business circle asks for money from large companies to fund Manuel Valls' tour

Spanish business circle asks for money from large companies to fund Manuel Valls' tour

Antoni Maria Piqué

Wednesday, 13 of december of 2017 - 23:54

The conflict over the name of Northern Catalonia reaches the UN

The conflict over the name of Northern Catalonia reaches the UN

El Nacional

Tuesday, 14 of november of 2017 - 22:34

Ségolène Royal criticises persecution of Puigdemont

Ségolène Royal criticises persecution of Puigdemont

El Nacional

Sunday, 5 of november of 2017 - 18:33

Human Rights League of France criticises imprisonment of Catalan ministers

Human Rights League of France criticises imprisonment of Catalan ministers

El Nacional

Saturday, 4 of november of 2017 - 18:16

France clears the way to self-determination referendum in New Caledonia

France clears the way to self-determination referendum in New Caledonia

El Nacional

Friday, 3 of november of 2017 - 21:50

pastilla video
French politician sees EU's role in Catalan crisis as a "terrible shame"

French politician sees EU's role in Catalan crisis as a "terrible shame"

El Nacional

Monday, 23 of october of 2017 - 18:42

pastilla video
Catalonia's delegate to France: "the king called Volkswagen to ask them to leave Catalonia"

Catalonia's delegate to France: "the king called Volkswagen to ask them to leave Catalonia"

El Nacional

Monday, 23 of october of 2017 - 18:02

pastilla video
Spanish PM Rajoy fails to make Europe forget about Catalonia

Spanish PM Rajoy fails to make Europe forget about Catalonia

Carlota Camps

Thursday, 19 of october of 2017 - 22:45

French president Emmanuel Macron calls for "dialogue and serenity" towards Catalan referendum

French president Emmanuel Macron calls for "dialogue and serenity" towards Catalan referendum

El Nacional

Friday, 29 of september of 2017 - 20:16

Spanish ambassador in Paris fails to prevent Catalan foreign minister's conference

Spanish ambassador in Paris fails to prevent Catalan foreign minister's conference

El Nacional

Monday, 25 of september of 2017 - 21:35

50 MEPs call on Spanish government to "stop its repressive actions immediately"

50 MEPs call on Spanish government to "stop its repressive actions immediately"

El Nacional

Friday, 22 of september of 2017 - 18:47