
Spanish rapper Valtonyc flees to Europe to avoid going to prison

Spanish rapper Valtonyc flees to Europe to avoid going to prison

Gemma Liñán

Wednesday, 23 of may of 2018 - 19:34

pastilla video
Heavy metal cover of the Catalan anthem wins award in US

Heavy metal cover of the Catalan anthem wins award in US

El Nacional

Saturday, 31 of march of 2018 - 20:19

pastilla video
Morrissey uses images of Catalan referendum attacks in his world tour

Morrissey uses images of Catalan referendum attacks in his world tour

El Nacional

Tuesday, 6 of march of 2018 - 20:59

pastilla video
Two years in prison for a rapper for glorifying terrorism

Two years in prison for a rapper for glorifying terrorism

El Nacional

Friday, 2 of march of 2018 - 22:33

pastilla video
The world of Catalan music, with the prisoners, at Barcelona's Olympic Stadium

The world of Catalan music, with the prisoners, at Barcelona's Olympic Stadium

Gustau Nerín

Saturday, 2 of december of 2017 - 23:08

pastilla video
US band's heavy metal cover of the Catalan anthem to come to Catalonia

US band's heavy metal cover of the Catalan anthem to come to Catalonia

Alba Solé Ingla

Monday, 27 of november of 2017 - 20:34