Read in Catalan

Pep Guardiola, former coach of Barça FC, now at Manchester City, one of the public figures committed to Catalonia's independence process, is one of the many who appear in a report by Spain's Civil Guard alleging the crime of rebellion. Guardiola has made his position on the independence issue clear, and taken part in a variety of events.

Guardiola took part in an event on 11th June 2017 reading its manifesto. The event, called by AMI (Association of Municipalities for Independence), ANC (Catalan National Assembly) and Òmnium Cultural, "meant a mobilisation to defend the unilateral path [to independence]", the Civil Guard says in their report. They highlight that "the manifesto was read by Josep Guardiola and aimed to mobilise all supporters of independence.

The Civil Guard say that two days before the event in question, the presidents of AMI, Neus Lloveras, ANC, Jordi Sànchez, and Òmnium, Jordi Cuixart, "showed their conviction that they couldn't wait any longer nor go round in circles any longer because the public wouldn't understand. And they added that they hoped to know the day and question [of the referendum] on the 11th," as turned out to be the case.