Alberto Núñez Feijóo​

Politician for Spain's Partido Popular
President of the Autonomous Community of Galicia 

The week of the amnesty and a few other things

The week of the amnesty and a few other things

José Antich

Monday, 27 of may of 2024 - 17:20

Alejandro Fernández, the candidate that Feijóo didn't want

Alejandro Fernández, the candidate that Feijóo didn't want

José Antich

Wednesday, 27 of march of 2024 - 17:35

pastilla video
Spain's PP sets a course for institutional collision between Senate and Congress over amnesty bill

Spain's PP sets a course for institutional collision between Senate and Congress over amnesty bill

The PP intensifies its offensive against the amnesty, pursuing the issue as a conflict between Spanish constitutional organs

Martí Odriozola i Marcé

Tuesday, 19 of march of 2024 - 22:45

Feijóo, triumphant; Sánchez, damaged

Feijóo, triumphant; Sánchez, damaged

José Antich

Monday, 19 of february of 2024 - 19:07

The PP now denies any Puigdemont pardon offer and accuses the PSOE of "intoxication"

The PP now denies any Puigdemont pardon offer and accuses the PSOE of "intoxication"

PP spokesperson Miguel Tellado denies any party contact with Junts after Feijóo's weekend comments suggesting the opposite

Abel Degà

Monday, 12 of february of 2024 - 19:42

Feijóo's pardon of Puigdemont

Feijóo's pardon of Puigdemont

José Antich

Monday, 12 of february of 2024 - 17:26

Galicia, the PP's impenetrable fortress

Galicia, the PP's impenetrable fortress

José Antich

Monday, 22 of january of 2024 - 17:25

Feijóo's proposal to Sánchez: that the EU Commission mediates in Spain's judicial renewal

Feijóo's proposal to Sánchez: that the EU Commission mediates in Spain's judicial renewal

PP leader also invites the prime minister to sack key minister Félix Bolaños to "favour the possibilities of understanding"

Martí Odriozola i Marcé

Friday, 22 of december of 2023 - 19:47

Sánchez, open to reducing CGPJ's powers to enable judicial renewal, if meeting with Feijoo fails

Sánchez, open to reducing CGPJ's powers to enable judicial renewal, if meeting with Feijoo fails

Spanish PM opens the door to 'Guilarte formula', removing appointments power from judicial organ, if PP meeting fails

Alba Solé Ingla

Thursday, 7 of december of 2023 - 19:15

Spain's right-wing media turn up the heat for anti-amnesty protest called in Barcelona

Spain's right-wing media turn up the heat for anti-amnesty protest called in Barcelona

Radio hosts Federico Jiménez Losantos and Carlos Herrera condemn Pedro Sánchez for his negotiations with Carles Puigdmeont

Joan Antoni Guerrero Vall

Tuesday, 3 of october of 2023 - 21:06

pastilla video
Spanish Congress brushes Feijóo aside and opens the way for Sánchez

Spanish Congress brushes Feijóo aside and opens the way for Sánchez

After 177 MPs gave the definitive 'no' to the PP candidate, Felipe VI is to hold new contacts with the parties next week

Jaume Vich / Abel Degà

Friday, 29 of september of 2023 - 19:55

Managing the meantime

Managing the meantime

José Antich

Friday, 29 of september of 2023 - 17:29

pastilla video
Spanish Congress rejects the PP's Feijóo as prime minister in first investiture debate

Spanish Congress rejects the PP's Feijóo as prime minister in first investiture debate

In a debate overshadowed by Puigdemont and the amnesty, PP aspirations are defeated by the same 178 progressive-bloc MPs

Abel Degà / Jaume Vich

Wednesday, 27 of september of 2023 - 20:07

Puigdemont eclipses Feijóo's investiture

Puigdemont eclipses Feijóo's investiture

José Antich

Wednesday, 27 of september of 2023 - 17:33

Juanma Moreno calls on Socialist MPs to betray Sánchez and vote for Feijóo as new Spanish PM

Juanma Moreno calls on Socialist MPs to betray Sánchez and vote for Feijóo as new Spanish PM

Such 'tamayazo' defections have happened before, but the 4 PSOE rebel votes that Feijóo would need seems unlikely

Jordi Martín

Friday, 22 of september of 2023 - 20:04

What will Feijóo do?

What will Feijóo do?

José Antich

Thursday, 31 of august of 2023 - 17:38

Feijóo's proposals to Sánchez sink without trace: so what's next?

Feijóo's proposals to Sánchez sink without trace: so what's next?

Meeting between the leaders of the two major Spanish parties only confirms the PP's weak prospects of forming a government

Abel Degà / Jaume Vich

Wednesday, 30 of august of 2023 - 21:13

Sánchez and Feijóo, appointment without a future

Sánchez and Feijóo, appointment without a future

José Antich

Wednesday, 30 of august of 2023 - 17:37

Feijóo and his problems with the Catalan PP

Feijóo and his problems with the Catalan PP

José Antich

Monday, 28 of august of 2023 - 17:18

Spanish MPs will vote on September 26th and 27th over investiture of Feijóo as prime minister

Spanish MPs will vote on September 26th and 27th over investiture of Feijóo as prime minister

If Feijóo is rejected, the left bloc can then have its turn; if it also fails, January 14th will see a repeat election

Jaume Vich

Wednesday, 23 of august of 2023 - 13:48

King Felipe VI chooses the PP's Feijóo to be the candidate for investiture as Spain's new PM

King Felipe VI chooses the PP's Feijóo to be the candidate for investiture as Spain's new PM

For the first time, the Spanish monarch was faced with two candidates seeking the investiture, and had to choose between them

Jaume Vich

Tuesday, 22 of august of 2023 - 20:56

Most Spanish voters believed that Feijóo would be elected, but they preferred Sánchez, says CIS

Most Spanish voters believed that Feijóo would be elected, but they preferred Sánchez, says CIS

CIS polling agency carried out a secret tracking poll in the last week of the campaign to follow voters' preferences

Laura Cercós

Thursday, 3 of august of 2023 - 19:49

PP's Feijóo wins Spanish election but fails to knock out Sánchez who could continue in power

PP's Feijóo wins Spanish election but fails to knock out Sánchez who could continue in power

PP and Vox fail to win enough seats and if the PSOE resolves a series of pacts, including with Junts, it could stay in power

Abel Degà / Jaume Vich

Monday, 24 of july of 2023 - 00:47

The PP corrects its own leader: party plans to deactivate the dialogue table with Catalonia

The PP corrects its own leader: party plans to deactivate the dialogue table with Catalonia

PP leader Feijóo said in an interview that he had "no interest in going against a table if it is constituted"

Jaume Vich

Friday, 7 of july of 2023 - 18:39

The PP's plan for Catalonia: bring back sedition, punish referendums, speak more Spanish

The PP's plan for Catalonia: bring back sedition, punish referendums, speak more Spanish

Alberto Núñez Feijóo promises to promote measures that are "contrary to the independence movement"

Jaume Vich

Tuesday, 4 of july of 2023 - 19:59

Feijóo confirms the state's manoeuvre in Barcelona: "Spain has won"

Feijóo confirms the state's manoeuvre in Barcelona: "Spain has won"

The leader of the PP presents a decalogue that recovers the sedition and promises judicial "independence".

Abel Degà

Monday, 19 of june of 2023 - 20:16

Feijóo recognizes the PP's error: "We treated Catalonia as a problem you couldn't address"

Feijóo recognizes the PP's error: "We treated Catalonia as a problem you couldn't address"

Conservative leader asserts his goal of the PP being a party of government - in Catalonia too

Nura Portella

Wednesday, 31 of may of 2023 - 21:36

Spain's opposition leader Feijóo foresees the end of the Socialist era: "We've gone far enough"

Spain's opposition leader Feijóo foresees the end of the Socialist era: "We've gone far enough"

After Sunday's electoral battering of the Socialists, the PP leader sees the July 23rd general election as the end of a cycle

Jaume Vich

Monday, 29 of may of 2023 - 21:11

Pedro Sánchez calls a snap general election in Spain for July 23rd after local election losses

Pedro Sánchez calls a snap general election in Spain for July 23rd after local election losses

Spanish PM communicates his decision to the king, the day after the PP's triumph in local and autonomous elections

Abel Degà

Monday, 29 of may of 2023 - 11:45

Feijóo, when inertia is not enough

Feijóo, when inertia is not enough

José Antich

Tuesday, 2 of may of 2023 - 16:54

Feijóo, the false centrist

Feijóo, the false centrist

José Antich

Tuesday, 21 of february of 2023 - 17:22

The McCarthyism of Feijóo

The McCarthyism of Feijóo

José Antich

Thursday, 16 of february of 2023 - 17:24

Feijóo approves: a Bank of Spain director is forced out over tenuous pro-independence links

Feijóo approves: a Bank of Spain director is forced out over tenuous pro-independence links

The PP leader finds resignation of new Bank of Spain director "correct", although he proposed the prestigious academic

Júlia Peñascal

Wednesday, 15 of february of 2023 - 20:49

Sánchez accuses Feijóo of "silencing Parliament" as Senate debates trimmed version of bill

Sánchez accuses Feijóo of "silencing Parliament" as Senate debates trimmed version of bill

In Spanish Senate, PP leader paints PM as hostage to Catalan pro-independence parties and calls for early elections

Abel Degà

Wednesday, 21 of december of 2022 - 21:30

European Commission pressures Sánchez, Feijóo and the judges to end Spain's crisis

European Commission pressures Sánchez, Feijóo and the judges to end Spain's crisis

There is growing concern in EU institutions about the confrontation between Spain's judiciary and government

Wednesday, 21 of december of 2022 - 19:44

pastilla video
Feijóo blames crisis on Sánchez's deals with Catalan independence movement

Feijóo blames crisis on Sánchez's deals with Catalan independence movement

Leader of Spanish right praises court intervention and calls on Sánchez to reject ERC and join with PP on a bipartisan basis

John McAulay

Tuesday, 20 of december of 2022 - 19:21

Is Feijóo ready?

Is Feijóo ready?

José Antich

Monday, 24 of october of 2022 - 16:55

That load of old cobblers about Catalan children and the Spanish language

That load of old cobblers about Catalan children and the Spanish language

José Antich

Wednesday, 19 of october of 2022 - 17:34

pastilla video
Lies about the Catalan school system slip into the debate between Sánchez and Feijóo

Lies about the Catalan school system slip into the debate between Sánchez and Feijóo

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, tells the Senate that "Spanish children cannot learn Spanish in Spain"

Abel Degà

Tuesday, 18 of october of 2022 - 22:27

pastilla video
Spain's PSOE and PP finally meet to discuss judicial paralysis after top judge resigns

Spain's PSOE and PP finally meet to discuss judicial paralysis after top judge resigns

Spanish PM Sánchez and PP leader Feijóo will try again to negotiate renewal of top judiciary, a process paralysed for years

Judit Pellicer

Monday, 10 of october of 2022 - 21:50