Nura Portella

Puigdemont rejects solutions for his personal situation in his return to Northern Catalonia

Puigdemont rejects solutions for his personal situation in his return to Northern Catalonia

Puigdemont highlighted Pau Casals' defence of the Catalan language at a summit of 5 Catalan presidents near Prada

Monday, 21 of august of 2023 - 18:48

Laura Borràs accuses Pere Aragonès of speaking for Junts with regard to Sánchez investiture

Laura Borràs accuses Pere Aragonès of speaking for Junts with regard to Sánchez investiture

Junts party president accuses Aragonès of being disconnected from the reality of the independence movement

Tuesday, 1 of august of 2023 - 22:50

ERC's entry into the Barcelona's Provincial Council provokes criticism among the party's affiliations

ERC's entry into the Barcelona's Provincial Council provokes criticism among the party's affiliations

Wednesday, 26 of july of 2023 - 00:21

Rufián refutes Junts' criticism: "Being useful does not make us less pro-independence".

Rufián refutes Junts' criticism: "Being useful does not make us less pro-independence".

Junqueras also assures that working to improve people's daily lives does not drive independence away, but brings it closer

Friday, 21 of july of 2023 - 19:52

ERC responds to Nogueras' referendum challenge: "It's a blocking proposal"

ERC responds to Nogueras' referendum challenge: "It's a blocking proposal"

The Junts' candidate demanded that no Spanish candidate who did not transfer powers for a referendum should be invested

Wednesday, 19 of july of 2023 - 21:51

Junqueras proposes a Catalan-Basque double referendum as ERC and EH Bildu show their common ground

Junqueras proposes a Catalan-Basque double referendum as ERC and EH Bildu show their common ground

Bildu's Otegi preferred not to put a date on the proposal: "When it comes, we will decide and build the republic"

Monday, 10 of july of 2023 - 23:55

The Catalonia of the CUP: from entering Congress to the quest for a third MP

The Catalonia of the CUP: from entering Congress to the quest for a third MP

Far-left, pro-independence CUP won 2 seats at their first general election in 2019, where they promised "ungovernability"

Friday, 7 of july of 2023 - 21:51

July 23rd will be "a date with history" and ERC, a "useful vote against the right", says Rufián

July 23rd will be "a date with history" and ERC, a "useful vote against the right", says Rufián

Criticisms of Sumar and Yolanda Díaz were frequent in the opening of the Republican Left's campaign for the Spanish election

Thursday, 6 of july of 2023 - 22:43

The CUP appeals to Comuns voters after Sumar's retreat from a Catalan referendum

The CUP appeals to Comuns voters after Sumar's retreat from a Catalan referendum

The Catalan far-left party regrets Yolanda Díaz's "backward steps" on self-determination and beckons to Comuns supporters

Monday, 3 of july of 2023 - 21:33

A PSOE-PP grand coalition could result from the Spanish election, warns ERC's Rufián

A PSOE-PP grand coalition could result from the Spanish election, warns ERC's Rufián

ERC's leading candidates for Congress call on the pro-independence parties for a more consensual defence of Catalonia

Monday, 26 of june of 2023 - 19:34

Sexist, homophobic, and denialist: the new speaker of the Balearic Islands parliament

Sexist, homophobic, and denialist: the new speaker of the Balearic Islands parliament

The speaker, Gabriel Le Senne, of far-right Vox, has made online denials of male violence and attacked the LGBTI collective

Tuesday, 20 of june of 2023 - 21:05

No changes after Barcelona mayoral vote recount: Collboni second, Colau third

No changes after Barcelona mayoral vote recount: Collboni second, Colau third

Official count goes against the Colau team's hopes, and meanwhile, election winner Xavier Trias continues negotiations

Friday, 2 of june of 2023 - 21:42

Feijóo recognizes the PP's error: "We treated Catalonia as a problem you couldn't address"

Feijóo recognizes the PP's error: "We treated Catalonia as a problem you couldn't address"

Conservative leader asserts his goal of the PP being a party of government - in Catalonia too

Wednesday, 31 of may of 2023 - 21:36

Water for Barcelona: what do city mayoral candidates propose in the face of the drought?

Water for Barcelona: what do city mayoral candidates propose in the face of the drought?

As Catalonia's drought continues, mayoral candidates have different management proposals for the precious resource of water

Friday, 12 of may of 2023 - 20:37

pastilla video
Jaume Collboni's 3 conditions for a Barcelona pact: airport, social policies, loyalty to Spain

Jaume Collboni's 3 conditions for a Barcelona pact: airport, social policies, loyalty to Spain

The PSC candidate for the Barcelona mayoralty, in the face-to-face, only rules out negotiation with Vox

Wednesday, 26 of april of 2023 - 19:41

Leaked Spanish report claims that ERC's Marta Rovira was a creator of Tsunami protest platform

Leaked Spanish report claims that ERC's Marta Rovira was a creator of Tsunami protest platform

Civil Guard report points to ERC general secretary as mastermind of Catalan anti-repression protest platform active in 2019

Tuesday, 11 of april of 2023 - 13:51

Pere Aragonès accuses Borràs of contaminating Catalan independence cause with corruption

Pere Aragonès accuses Borràs of contaminating Catalan independence cause with corruption

The Catalan president criticizes Borràs for employing the status of Parliament in his defence strategy

Thursday, 6 of april of 2023 - 20:54

CEO Catalan election poll: PSC keeps its lead over ERC, while Junts improves in third

CEO Catalan election poll: PSC keeps its lead over ERC, while Junts improves in third

The PP consolidates its position as the fourth largest party in Catalonia while Ciudadanos could lose all representation

Wednesday, 5 of april of 2023 - 19:26

Head of Spain's Civil Guard resigns after husband is indicted over corruption case

Head of Spain's Civil Guard resigns after husband is indicted over corruption case

María Gámez, appointed by Pedro Sánchez in 2020, was already under attack from the PP over the so-called Casernas Case

Wednesday, 22 of march of 2023 - 21:31

Jordi Turull asks why Aragonès failed to defend Puigdemont in face of Zoido's lies

Jordi Turull asks why Aragonès failed to defend Puigdemont in face of Zoido's lies

Junts general secretary asserts that Pere Aragonès should have reacted to Zoido's attempt to link Puigdemont to Russia again

Wednesday, 22 of march of 2023 - 18:42

Cyber extortionists demand $4.5 million ransom to return Barcelona hospital's data

Cyber extortionists demand $4.5 million ransom to return Barcelona hospital's data

"Not a cent" of ransom will be paid, reiterate leaders at Hospital Clínic, which has caught up with 90% of complex surgery

Friday, 10 of march of 2023 - 20:41

The cyberattack that has paralysed Barcelona's Hospital Clínic: "No ransom will be paid"

The cyberattack that has paralysed Barcelona's Hospital Clínic: "No ransom will be paid"

Major Catalan public hospital hopes to resume some activity progressively from Tuesday after serious ransomware attack

Monday, 6 of march of 2023 - 13:07

Drought restrictions come into force for six million Catalans: who is affected?

Drought restrictions come into force for six million Catalans: who is affected?

Catalonia's 29-month drought means six million people are now at 'Exception' status: here are the details.

Wednesday, 1 of march of 2023 - 22:54

Jail terms for five arrested at 2018 pro-Puigdemont protest outside Catalan Parliament

Jail terms for five arrested at 2018 pro-Puigdemont protest outside Catalan Parliament

Five independence supporters convicted of attack on an authority, and one acquitted, in protest on 30th January 2018

Wednesday, 22 of february of 2023 - 19:42

Why is Nicola Sturgeon resigning as Scotland's first minister?

Why is Nicola Sturgeon resigning as Scotland's first minister?

Sturgeon says that, after 8 years in office and the pressure it entails, the time has come to make way for new leadership

Wednesday, 15 of february of 2023 - 19:19

pastilla video
Five activists deceived by Spanish undercover cop present sexual abuse complaints

Five activists deceived by Spanish undercover cop present sexual abuse complaints

The women also denounce the police officer for crimes against their moral integrity and disclosure of secrets, among others

Tuesday, 31 of january of 2023 - 23:21

Juan Carlos I waves goodbye to 'Hacienda' to become a tax resident of the Emirates

Juan Carlos I waves goodbye to 'Hacienda' to become a tax resident of the Emirates

Former Spanish king stated a few months ago that he intended to reside permanently in Abu Dhabi, after fleeing there in 2020

Friday, 27 of january of 2023 - 20:39

Catalonia's week of strikes begins: health, schools and taxis hit by industrial action

Catalonia's week of strikes begins: health, schools and taxis hit by industrial action

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will see a series of strikes and union-led protests affecting 3 different Catalan sectors

Monday, 23 of january of 2023 - 23:16

Ponsatí in EU Parliament: "Nobody really cares about the rule of law in Spain" | VIDEO

Ponsatí in EU Parliament: "Nobody really cares about the rule of law in Spain" | VIDEO

Fellow Catalan MEP Diana Riba said she was glad that the debate had taken place, given Spain's "many democratic deficiencies"

Wednesday, 18 of january of 2023 - 23:09

Felipe VI avoids photo with father Juan Carlos I at funeral for Constantine of Greece

Felipe VI avoids photo with father Juan Carlos I at funeral for Constantine of Greece

Felipe and Letizia were far from Juan Carlos I and Sofia at the funeral of their uncle, Constantine, the last king of Greece

Monday, 16 of january of 2023 - 21:11

pastilla video
Spain to toughen airport Covid checks due to China's rapid rise in cases

Spain to toughen airport Covid checks due to China's rapid rise in cases

Spanish health minister Carolina Darias calls for coordinated action over possibility of new Covid variants emerging in China

Friday, 30 of december of 2022 - 15:15

PSC's proposals for Catalan budget disgust the CUP: "These are backward steps"

PSC's proposals for Catalan budget disgust the CUP: "These are backward steps"

Eulàlia Reguant criticizes that the Catalan Socialist proposals are based on "climate denialism and employer group agendas"

Thursday, 29 of december of 2022 - 20:26

Pedro Sánchez brushes off Aragonès's new Catalan referendum call: "It won't happen"

Pedro Sánchez brushes off Aragonès's new Catalan referendum call: "It won't happen"

Spanish PM brags that, according to him, the independence movement no longer worries Spaniards

Tuesday, 27 of december of 2022 - 19:53

More than 150 injuries after collision between two Barcelona suburban trains

More than 150 injuries after collision between two Barcelona suburban trains

Many suffered ankle or nose injuries after a train stopped at Montcada i Reixac was hit by another train

Wednesday, 7 of december of 2022 - 18:23

Spanish letter bombs: wave of home-made explosive packets sent by post in Spain

Spanish letter bombs: wave of home-made explosive packets sent by post in Spain

One of 5 packet bombs caused minor injury at the Ukrainian embassy, but Spain sees no need to raise its terror alert level

Thursday, 1 of december of 2022 - 20:21

Far-right death threats for Mallorca teacher who told students to remove Spanish flag

Far-right death threats for Mallorca teacher who told students to remove Spanish flag

Balearic Islands' president gives support to school's stand after flag incident causes social media rampage from the right

Monday, 28 of november of 2022 - 23:37

pastilla video
Ada Colau tells off a journalism student for asking about her clothes | VIDEO

Ada Colau tells off a journalism student for asking about her clothes | VIDEO

The Barcelona mayor later apologized to the student who had noted that she no longer wore T-shirts promoting political causes

Thursday, 24 of november of 2022 - 22:42

Felipe VI, the only European king going to Qatar for the World Cup, despite criticism

Felipe VI, the only European king going to Qatar for the World Cup, despite criticism

Spanish king has flown to Qatar for the World Cup group stage, in contrast with the prudence of other European royals

Wednesday, 23 of november of 2022 - 10:48

pastilla video
Spain's new public disorder law criminalizes dissidence even more, says Òmnium

Spain's new public disorder law criminalizes dissidence even more, says Òmnium

Xavier Antich regrets that the sedition repeal plan "does not respond" to all those facing retaliation by the Spanish state

Friday, 11 of november of 2022 - 21:16

PSC maintains lead over ERC in Catalan election poll, with Junts losing ground

PSC maintains lead over ERC in Catalan election poll, with Junts losing ground

The PP would rise from being the smallest party in the Catalan Parliament to fourth place, at the expense of Vox and Cs

Wednesday, 9 of november of 2022 - 22:07

Puigdemont on Pegasus report: "Spain spies, breaches basic rights, and must be confronted"

Puigdemont on Pegasus report: "Spain spies, breaches basic rights, and must be confronted"

The Catalan MEP echoes the words of Pegasus report author Sophie in 't Veld: "Espionage is a direct threat to democracy"

Tuesday, 8 of november of 2022 - 21:36

European Parliament points to Spanish government as responsible for Catalangate espionage

European Parliament points to Spanish government as responsible for Catalangate espionage

Draft Pegasus report says that all indicators implicate the Spanish government, despite its failure to provide information

Tuesday, 8 of november of 2022 - 19:56

EU states using Pegasus spyware are "failing to cooperate" with investigating committee

EU states using Pegasus spyware are "failing to cooperate" with investigating committee

Pegasus committee MEP says Greece and Cyprus were not helpful on a recent visit, while a visit to Spain has been blocked

Friday, 4 of november of 2022 - 20:57

Corinna strikes back: new podcast will air Juan Carlos I's dirty laundry in 8 episodes

Corinna strikes back: new podcast will air Juan Carlos I's dirty laundry in 8 episodes

Start of 'Corinna and the King' podcast coincides with UK court hearing of Spanish ex-monarch in case brought by former lover

Wednesday, 2 of november of 2022 - 23:42

Spain's Civil Guard admits error in referring to anti-Franco resistance as "rebels"

Spain's Civil Guard admits error in referring to anti-Franco resistance as "rebels"

The Civil Guard organized an exhibition on its own history that did not mention that Spain experienced a coup d'état in 1936

Thursday, 20 of october of 2022 - 23:39

Puigdemont denounces EU "indifference" to mass espionage against Catalans, 6 months on

Puigdemont denounces EU "indifference" to mass espionage against Catalans, 6 months on

In a hard-hitting article, the Catalan MEP asserts that "the more the EU protects Spain, it more it loses credibility"

Tuesday, 18 of october of 2022 - 19:47

Doubts hang over death of Albert Solà, who claimed to be heir to Spain's Juan Carlos I

Doubts hang over death of Albert Solà, who claimed to be heir to Spain's Juan Carlos I

Solà, who insistently claimed to be the illegitimate first-born son of the former Spanish king, died suddenly on October 8th

Monday, 17 of october of 2022 - 22:37

Spanish Supreme Court fines Eulàlia Reguant 13,500 euros for disobedience

Spanish Supreme Court fines Eulàlia Reguant 13,500 euros for disobedience

CUP deputy ordered to pay 50 euros a day for 9 months for not responding to Vox lawyer during 2019 Catalan leaders' trial

Friday, 7 of october of 2022 - 18:54