Read in Catalan

Catalan president Quim Torra has started a 48-hour fast this Sunday in support of Jordi Turull, Jordi Sànchez, Joaquim Forn and Josep Rull, the four Catalan political prisoners who are on hunger strike to protest against the blockage of their appeals in the Spanish Constitutional Court.


The president arrived this Sunday morning at one of the Dipòsit del Rei Martí, in Barcelona's Sarrià district, to begin his 48 hours of fasting, alongside others participating in the collective fast in support of the prisoners. In the afternoon it was envisaged he would then go to another of the centres where solidarity activities with the hunger strikers are underway, the historic monastery on Montserrat mountain.

According to Catalan government sources, the president will stay at the Montserrat monastery on both Sunday and Monday nights, although it has not been officially announced that he will remain there all this time. The president of Catalonia will not break his fast until Tuesday morning, when he is to preside over a cabinet meeting.