Read in Catalan

Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez presented himself today in a rally in Santiago de Compostela as the king of dialogue with Catalonia, although he avoided any specific content. "You all know that this week dialogue with the Catalan government will start and the Spanish Socialists do believe in this dialogue. The Spanish Socialists are actually committed to the agenda of reunion in Catalonia" he added in an act of support for Gonzalo Caballero's candidacy to Spain’s Galicia regional government.

Before some 1,500 attendants, Sánchez defended PSOE's commitment to "territorial dialogue", as autonomy is usually defined in Madrid. "We don’t care about political undertones of regional governments, we put the general interest and the interest of ordinary people before any political interest of autonomous governments. That is what best represents the constitutional spirit," he said.

Sánchez has combined this speech with a Spanish constitutionalist claim, saying that he refuses to be lectured on this concept by the opposition, which he has defined as "the tripartite of Apocalypse". "We admit fans and converts to the Spanish Constitution, but we do not assume or admit any lesson in constitutionalism from the right," Sánchez said, accusing Popular Party (PP), Ciudadanos (Cs) and Vox of reducing the Spanish Constitution to the application of Article 155 to suspend Catalonia’s autonomy.

"Pedro Sánchez refuses to be lectured on constitutionalism by the opposition — Europa Press TV"

"We are constitutionalists, yes, but defend the entire Constitution, not a weekly Article 155," Sánchez said.