Read in Catalan

First warning from the new leadership of pro-independence Catalan party PDeCAT to the Spanish prime minister. The party's brand new vice-president, Míriam Nogueras, has warned this Monday that it will now be more difficult for Pedro Sánchez to count on the party's support.

The consensus candidacy, headed by David Bonvehí and Nogueras, won the party's leadership contest at its national conference this Sunday. Their ticket got 65.27% of the vote, whilst the alternative candidacy, headed by David Torrents, got 28.9%.

"There's a portion of Catalan society which feels convergent and we cannot wipe that away", said Bonvehí, who added that the party will not kick anyone out. Convergent refers to supporters of the former party Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya, which reformed as PDeCAT in 2016. 

PDeCAT's new president, David Bonvehí / ACN

Bonvehí and Nogueras were interviewed this morning on El Matí de Catalunya Ràdio where they made these statements and talked about the new movement promoted by president Carles Puigdemont, the Crida Nacional per la República (National Call for the Republic). 

A new referendum

"The party asks its associates to take part in the project of the Crida", said Bonvehí, without specifying what PDeCAT's role will be in the new movement, waiting for the Crida to define itself. The president also called on ERC to join the project.

On the party conference, Nogueras said it had helped to "strengthen the unity" of the party. "The members have made it clear who their leaders are: the political prisoners and the exiles". Asked about the party's name changes, she that they are transforming themselves because society is transforming.

Bonvehí defended their position on the creation of a new 1-O, the day of last year's independence referendum. "The party will give its support when this happens". For Nogueras, it's important to bring back the spirit the day created: "On 1-O nobody asked which party you support".