Read in Catalan

A group of members of staff from the European institutions have today protested at the event about Catalonia​ involving far-right Spanish party Vox in the Parliament. At the start of the panel, which involved the party's secretary general, Javier Ortega Smith, various people, the majority of whom were women, silently held up placards reading "our rights are not negotiable".

After a few minutes, without the event pausing at any time, the group left the room. Outside, talking to the media, one of them explained that they are members of staff from the EU institutions who reject Vox's ideas.

"Europe has to be a space of rights for everyone. We're feminists and we defend LGBTI rights", the spokesperson said, who asked to remain anonymous. She explained they had decided to protest because they see it as "outrageous" that the event was allowed to go ahead.