Donald Tusk

Feijóo's PP gets into bed with Vox

Feijóo's PP gets into bed with Vox

José Antich

Friday, 11 of march of 2022 - 18:18

European PP reprimands Spanish PP for pact with far-right Vox

European PP reprimands Spanish PP for pact with far-right Vox

Donald Tusk says the PP-Vox deal to govern the large Castilla y León region together was a "sad surprise"

Berto Sagrera

Thursday, 10 of march of 2022 - 21:10

Tusk tells the BBC that he feels "empathy" for an independent Scotland in the EU

Tusk tells the BBC that he feels "empathy" for an independent Scotland in the EU

Cèlia Forment i Bori

Sunday, 2 of february of 2020 - 21:36

Donald Tusk hopes Spain doesn't use force against Catalonia

Donald Tusk hopes Spain doesn't use force against Catalonia

El Nacional

Friday, 27 of october of 2017 - 17:44

EU leaders support Spain against Catalan independence movement

EU leaders support Spain against Catalan independence movement

Carlota Camps

Friday, 20 of october of 2017 - 20:24

'The Guardian' urges Spain to avoid the "catastrophe" of Article 155

'The Guardian' urges Spain to avoid the "catastrophe" of Article 155

El Nacional

Thursday, 12 of october of 2017 - 22:30

Juncker, Tusk call on Rajoy to avoid violence and negotiate

Juncker, Tusk call on Rajoy to avoid violence and negotiate

El Nacional

Monday, 2 of october of 2017 - 19:56