Read in Catalan

The president of the USA, Donald Trump, has used the attack in Barcelona as an example to explain his new strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan to combat terrorist organisations and their "safe havens" in these countries. Moreover, he announced that his Afghan strategy would "change dramatically", including an unspecified increase in troop numbers.

"We need look no further than last week's vile, vicious attack in Barcelona to understand that terror groups will stop at nothing to commit the mass murder of innocent men, women and children," said Trump, during a speech at a military base in Virginia. "We must address the reality of the world as it exists right now, and the threats we face and the confronting of all of the problems of today."

In reference to the fight against terrorist organisations, Trump stated that the US will continue "working alongside our allies, we will break their will, dry up their recruitment, keep them from crossing our borders." On the subject of terrorism, he concluded "yes, we will defeat them, and we will defeat them handily."