Read in Catalan

No to Pere Aragonès's proposal. The Catalan Socialists (PSC) rule out holding election debates outside Catalonia as well as the concept of a three-way debate between Salvador Illa, Carles Puigdemont and the current Catalan president. The PSC's deputy first secretary and campaign director for the May 12th election, Lluïsa Moret, has made this clear in response to the suggestion by Catalan Republican Left (ERC) candidate Aragonès, who said he would be willing to travel out of the Catalan autonomous community to make it possible to hold a three-way debate with Puigdemont and Illa. Moret stated that the Socialist candidate will participate "in those debates that take place in Catalonia and have the participation of the majority of the list leaders of the parties with representation in Parliament".

Thus, the three criteria that the PSC will take into account to accept Illa's participation in election debates will be that these "take place in Catalonia" and are organized "by both the media, institutions and organizations as well as civil society groups". The second factor is that they "include the presence of the majority of the list leaders" and, finally, that they are disseminated to an audience - "be it through television, radio or digital channels". According to Moret, encounters between the candidates are "spaces that enrich the political debate through the confrontation of proposals" and advocated that they be carried out "with maximum respect for the plurality represented in Parliament". Still on this issue, the Socialist politician added that it would be "good" if they featured "the leaders of each list, because Catalans have the right to know first-hand the proposal of the candidates for the presidency of the Generalitat".

Aragonès seeks 3-way debate "anywhere and any time"

Indeed, one of the unknowns is whether Puigdemont, whose candidacy bears the name Junts+ Puigdemont for Catalonia, will be able to take part in election debates. The president-in-exile announced at his Elna meeting on March 21st that he will return to Catalonia to be invested as president in  Parliament if he wins a majority, so there is no prospect of him returning during the campaign - until the amnesty law is passed he could still be arrested if he enters Spanish territory. Asked about the difficulty in holding debates, president Pere Aragonès announced in an interview with radio station RAC1 that he was ready to go "anywhere and at any time" to be able to hold a debate with the Junts+ Puigdemont for Catalonia candidate, and in such a case, he would also invite the PSC candidate for the presidency, Salvador Illa.