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Irene Lozano, currently one of the closest confidants of Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, could soon find herself on the outer. The secretary of state for Global Spain - the government's PR unit within the foreign ministry - could leave the post on the orders of the Spanish executive, as it wants to reformulate the body, according to digital newspapers El Confidencial and Política Online (links in Spanish). The reason, as these media explain it, is that the pact between the Spanish Socialists and Catalan pro-independence party ERC to allow Sánchez to form his government has precipitated the decision to give the communications unit a new direction.

Ever since its creation, Global Spain has been identifiable by the anti-independence propaganda it has spread far and wide. Last September it published The Truth about the Catalan Independence Bid, a report that was circulated to governments, both European and beyond, in which key pro-independence arguments were countered: disputing that the movement was peaceful, and denying that Catalonia was a nation and that the UN recognizes the right to self-determination. ERC already warned during its negotiations with the Socialists that the role of the Spanish government abroad had to change.

That could be one argument, but it's not the only reason Lozano should look for a new job. At the Spanish foreign ministry things have changed as well. Josep Borrell is no longer around after moving to the European Commission, and taking his place is Arancha González Laya, with whom Lozano has never had a close relationship. The new minister wants to bring about a thorough internal restructuring and create a new secretary of state for foreign affairs with very broad responsibilities. And she wants to concentrate significant power in this new number two at the ministry, who has yet to be named. On the other hand, she also intends to combine the American secretariats into one, integrated with the International Cooperation position. The new foreign minister González Laya sees her role as more technocratic - something that can be seen in the similar profiles she has held in international organizations up till now. And a final factor in the new foreign ministry broom will be the need to take into account the voice of Podemos.