Catalan protest platform Tsunami Democràtic has told supporters to "save the dates" for up to five upcoming mobilizations. In a tweet this Friday, the platform called on supporters to set aside several dates around the Spanish general election on November 10th: specifically, the day before the vote and the three days after the election (November 9th, 12th, 13th and 14th). Also, the organization dropped an unsubtle hint that it might be planning an action in relation to the Barça-Madrid fooball match, scheduled for December 18th.
The message from Tsunami reveals nothing about where exactly the different actions will take place, stating that most of them will occur in a "surprise location", except for that of November 9th, the so-called "day of reflection" before the election, when the action will take place "throughout the state," and December 18th, where the message "we're playing at home" seems to refer to the fact that the "Clásico" match is scheduled to be played that day at Barça's Camp Nou stadium.
🌊 Guardeu dates:
— Tsunami Democràtic (@tsunami_dem) 25 d’octubre de 2019
9/11 [a tot l'estat]
11/11 [lloc sorpresa]
12/11 [lloc sorpresa]
13/11 [lloc sorpresa]
18/12 [juguem a casa]
The emergence of Tsunami Democrátic and other non-violent protest platforms, coinciding with the Supreme Court's jail sentences for 9 pro-independence leaders, has played a key role in re-launching the independence movement and has concerned the Spanish authorities sufficiently for them to begin investigating who is hiding behind the platform. The Tsunami group, with hundreds of thousands of followers on its Telegram messaging channel, kick-started last weeks protests with the blockade of Barcelona-El Prat airport on the day of the court verdicts, triggering an avalanche of mobilizations across Catalonia.
Massive protest at the airport of Barcelona-El Prat on October 14th / Sergi Alcàzar
QR codes to be distributed
Tsunami Democràtic has also announced that it will distribute QR codes at this Saturday's major rally against the repression in Catalonia. Supporters need a code to access the mobile application - available only for Android - and thus receive information about upcoming mobilizations. There will be "hundreds of people giving out codes" at the protest, which begins in Barcelona's Carrer Marina at 5pm. "Look for them, you'll need the app!" said the platform in a tweet on Thursday.
Dissabte podràs trobar el teu QR a la gran manifestació per la llibertat. Hi haurà centenars de persones repartint-ne.
— Tsunami Democràtic (@tsunami_dem) 24 d’octubre de 2019
🌊 Busca'l, aviat necessitarem l'app!
When the app was first presented, the platform told supporters that they should obtain a code by finding someone in their "trusted circles" who could give them one. However, it seems that Tsunami is now opting to make the codes easier to obtain, to expand the number of people with access to the app.