Read in Catalan

Far-right party Vox is pulling no verbal punches in attacking the European Parliament. Why? Its decision to recognise Catalan politicians Oriol Junqueras, Carles Puigdemont and Toni Comín as MEPs.

On the official Twitter account of its European parliamentary party, it wrote: "The European Parliament is abusing its power and breaking all its rules in its new challenge to Spain. And the separation of powers, the principle of subsidiarity and our sovereignty go out the window."

As the Union prepares for the first stage of Brexit at the end of January, the party adds: "The Spanish, until now the most pro-EU of all the Union, will take good note." In recent weeks, "Spexit" as a concept has gained prominence, especially online.

Along similar lines, the party's leader, Santiago Abascal, wrote: "Brussels cannot trample over our sovereignty. The enemies of Spain in Europe want to take advantage of us having a treacherous prime minister to weaken our nation further."