Read in Catalan

One of the most moving moments of today's rally in Barcelona for the release of the Catalan political prisoners was the reading of messages from the "Jordis", Jordi Cuixart, the president of Òmnium Cultural, and Jordi Sànchez, president of the ANC (Catalan National Assembly), who will soon have spent a month in preventive detention.

Sànchez's message was read by his daughter Abril:

"Thank you for being here and remaining committed and peacefully mobilised. Our commitment to liberty, democracy and our country goes back a long way and I'm sure it will reach to the end. Our strength is your unity. We're a pluralistic country and as such our unity is even more valuable. There are still stages to travel through on our journey. No one should doubt that we will do them all and in the end we will win. Take courage to continue with the same attitude, the same dignity. Freedom will come because we're an army who challenge authoritarianism, an army who want a country in the form of a Republic. Thank you for not forgetting us. We know that we're not alone. Light in your eyes and strength in your arms. On 21st December, to vote and to win!"

Cuixart's message was read by his partner, Txell Bonet:

"I'm in a cell in ward 4 of Soto del Real [prison]. But, you do know where I really am? Really I'm here because I know that you feel me in your hearts and I thank you. I didn't tire of saying that the people never fail and you haven't failed us and you're not failing us and you haven't failed us today either. If we've been able to reach this point, you can imagine where we're able to reach. My infinite gratitude because they wanted to isolate us and they've united us even more in this great diversity which we all represent. Peace, dialogue, let's not give up on deciding our future and, above all, let's not be scared of doing things that nobody has done before. Smiles for all of Catalonia and don't forget that great obstacles are for great spirits."