Read in Catalan

The president of Catalonia, Quim Torra, has sent a letter to the Spanish government's delegate to Catalonia, Teresa Cunillera, asking for explanations for the attitudes shown recently by some members of the Spanish National Police and the Civil Guard, attitudes he describes as "intolerable". He also calls for disciplinary measures to be taken.

The president's letter comes the same week it emerged that two deputies from ERC were spat at and insulted by a National Police officer guarding the force's headquarters in Barcelona as they walked past. Also, only yesterday, the secretary of the Union of Civil Guard Officers joked about a police officer attacking photojournalist Jordi Borràs.

Torra expresses his "concern" over the events and says that such attitudes are "contrary to social harmony".


For this reason, Torra asks Cunillera to "communicate to those responsible in the National Police and the Civil Guard my concern over these intolerable expressions by members of these police forces". He also demands to be informed of "what disciplinary measures are expected to be taken in all these cases, as well as those which have been taken already with respect to the officer who attacked the journalist Jordi Borràs".

The president also explicitly refers to the union official's tweet, criticising them for "mocking attacks which Catalan citizens are victims of" and, "more seriously, justifying the attack".