Read in Catalan

In 2018, there were reported 326 politically-motivated hate crimes. In 2017 there were 121.

Indeed, this category of crime has seen the greatest annual increase, in a complex political context after the 2017 referendum and the number public demonstrations on both sides.

The figures were announced today by Catalan interior minister Miquel Buch in Parliament. He noted that no distinction is made in legislation over the motivation behind hate crimes, its a purely administrative difference.

"The Mossos are aware they can find themselves facing events which are ethically or morally reprehensible, but they have to observe current legislation," said Buch. As an example, he said they could find evidence of a "lack of respect for ideas and questioning of fundamental ideas". He emphasised that the police always act "in the framework set out by the law and maintaining objectivity".

During 2018, hate crimes and discrimination have increased in general, not just those for political motivations. In 2017, for example, there were 393 for reasons of origin or gender; in 2018 there were 547 such reports.