Read in Catalan

ERC's parliamentary group in the Spanish Congress will enter a list of questions about the details of the "luxury" residence which the Spanish government is going to pay for in New York for Jorge Moragas, current Spanish representative to the UN and Mariano Rajoy's former Chief of Staff.

Moragas will move at the end of January into a residence which could cost more than 80,000 euros (£71,000, $96,000) per month after having been named to the UN role on 22nd December last year, the day after the Catalan election in which the PP fell to 4 deputies. As well as the free residence, Moragas will earn 200,000 euros (£177,000, $239,000) a year, more than when he was in Rajoy's cabinet.

ERC, El Nacional has learnt, will ask the government about the cost of the rent of the residence "next to Fifth Avenue and Central Park" and if it's really "necessary" for him to have a "luxury [residence] in one of the most expensive areas of New York".

They will also ask if this is the same place Moragas's predecessor in the role, Román Oyarzun Marchesi lived, and what features it has, referring to a swimming pool, gym, security, or domestic services and how many rooms there are. Finally, the document to be presented asks who is responsible for exceptional expenses and what total this reaches.