Read in Catalan

Wednesday April 15th. Spain is slowly expanding its coronavirus testing among the population. And this, according to the Spanish health authorities, is one of the factors behind the major feature of the latest coronavirus statistics for Spain and Catalonia: a significant new increase in the number of positive cases of Covid-19 detected since the last official count: in Spain, there have been 5,092 new cases in the last 24 hours, more than 2,000 more than those diagnosed the previous day. In Catalonia, the daily increase in new cases confirmed was even more pronounced, from 471 in the previous situation report to 1,301 now.  

On the other hand, with regard to fatalities, this Wednesday the Spanish ministry's data shows a slight decrease. There have been 523 Covid-19 deaths in Spain, 90 of those in Catalonia, in the last 24 hour interval. In both cases these terrible figures are nevertheless less than those of the previous day. Covid-19 has taken 18,579 lives in the Spanish state, in total. 

Below, latest official data, including two new graphs, showing coronavirus trends in Catalonia and Spain. The breakdown by autonomous communities can now be found further down in the article.

1. COVID-19 data for Catalonia and Spain

CATALONIA 14th April 2020*
Total confirmed cases 36,505
New cases in last day 1,308 (yesterday 471)
Total deaths 3,756 
Deaths in last day 90 (yesterday 128)
(Residential care Covid-19 statistics not given in the latest press release) 

SPAIN 15th April 2020*
Total confirmed cases 177,633
New cases in last day 5,092 (yesterday 3,045)
Total deaths 18,579
Deaths in last day 523 (yesterday 567)

*Official Spanish figures for each day are compiled from previous night’s figures from autonomous regions

2: Daily increases in deaths and cases

CATALONIA: Daily deaths (black), daily increases in confirmed cases (blue)

SPAIN: Daily deaths (black), daily increases in confirmed cases (blue)


3. Total confirmed cases, breakdown by active/recovered/deceased 

These two new graphs break down the total confirmed cases in Catalonia and Spain into those which are active (blue), deaths (black), and recovered (green). For the epidemic to diminish, the blue line of active cases has to fall, reducing the blue area to almost zero.



4. Total confirmed cases and deaths, logarithmic scale

Casos= Cumulative cases, Greus= number who have required intensive care, Morts=  cumulative deaths, Altes/Recuperats=  people who have recovered from Covid-19 in Catalonia. 



5. SPAIN Breakdown by Autonomous Communities

Latest data (by columns: Total cases - Total who have been in ICUs - Deaths - Recovered):

Total confirmed cases by autonomous communities.