Read in Catalan

The judge in the case of the Catalan referendum, Pablo Llarena, had dinner this Saturday in Costa Brava with the president of the PP in Barcelona City Council, Alberto Fernández Díaz, and some other guests. They did it in Can Cou Cou Cou, in Mont-ras.

The CDR of Palafrugell and Аnonymous Catalonia reported on the dinner through social networks. This provoked a small rally of protest against the magistrate who has imprisoned the pro-independence leaders.

Alberto Fernández Díaz is the brother of Jorge Fernández Díaz, who was the Home Minister during the first phase of Mariano Rajoy's administration. He was particularly controversial because of his conversations with the head of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, Daniel de Alfonso. He pronounced the famous phrase "the Public Prosecutor's Office is tuning it up for you".

When Llarena left the restaurant, he met pro-independence people who were protesting against her legal action. This Saturday in Palafrugell, just two kilometres from the restaurant, a concert was being held to demand the release of JxCat deputy and former ANC president Jordi Sánchez and other political prisoners.

The leader of the PP in Barcelona and Llarena left the premises escorted by the police.