Read in Catalan

A magistrate of the TSJC (Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia) has ordered Google to delete a mobile app that Catalan president Carles Puigdemont had publicised through his Twitter account. The app allows Catalans to find information about the organisation of the 1st October referendum.

In the order, the judge writes: "as can be seen in the information now provided, we wouldn't see the announcement of web pages or domains through the social networks, rather of links for downloading applications to mobile phones with information about the referendum; specifically, of the location of polling stations, voting places, localisation through Google maps of the location of a polling station, or the possibility to share a link with the location of a polling station".

Mercedes Armas, the judge in question, was referencing this tweet from president Puigdemont:

Translation: Do you want to know where you have to go to vote? Download the 1st October app (for Android) and update it every day to receive the latest.

The order demands the deletion of the app "called On Votar 1-Oct and with download URL"

It says the app was registered to, and offered by a company called Catalonia Voting Software.

The full order: