Read in Catalan

It's never not enlightening that on matters which scandalise many foreign ministries and international papers, in Madrid there is always such consensus. PSOE, PP, Cs and Vox have already closed ranks over the uncouth actions of the acting foreign affairs minister, Josep Borrell, and his department, in spying on Catalan delegations abroad (at least in Berlin, London and Geneva). So, the so-called Borrellgate, ideological persecution in every sense, was utterly buried in the Spanish Parliament, something which often happens when the constitutionalist parties want to banish a debate at any price.

This Tuesday, in the Permanent Standing Committee in Spain's Congress, it's happened again. An alliance of iron in defence of Global Spain (the body headed by Irene Lozano, former UPyD) and the false report it created to discredit the Catalan independence process abroad. The pro-independence parties only found support from Unidas Podemos and, as a result, Borrell won't have to explain himself. With PSOE set up as a battering ram against the independence process, the trifachito parties only had to turn the criticism up a notch, label PSOE's as soft, ask all Pedro Sánchez's ministers to behave like the foreign minister and to protect him as if he were an endangered species within PSOE ranks, something ever more improbable.

They are uncountable the times the classic disagreement between the Spanish parties connected to any debate which comes up disappears completely when the discussion is over taking a stance against a request from the pro-independence parties. It's irrelevant whether they're in the right or that the matter is as scandalous as Global Spain's actions. What's important, what's truly important, is to not give the Catalan government and the parties which support it a break. Here, the four constitutionalist parties have quickly come into agreement, even if Irene Lozano has written a document which would be unimaginable in any other EU country due to the host of falsehoods it contains or because it violates the presumption of innocence of the pro-independence leaders in provisional detention and put on trial by the Supreme Court.