Read in Catalan

An official in Spain's extreme-right party Vox has compared the emergence of Vox in Andalusian politics with the Spanish Blue Division (Blaue Division, in German), which fought alongside Hitler's forces in World War II, on the Eastern front. 

The Vox member, Rocío Monasterio, sent a tweet featuring a scene from the Franco-era war film Embajadores en el infierno - "Ambassadors in Hell" - showing the enthusiastic recruitment of volunteer Spanish soldiers to fight against communist Russians. Her message with the video read: "This is what the arrival of Vox at the Andalusian Parliament today must have been like. Don't miss it!"

Many Twitters users replied giving with their own versions of what Vox - and the tweet - really signify.

Just so I understand you. You are comparing Vox with Franco's army, allied with Hitler and Mussolini. Is that it?— José Antonio Donaire

The Blue Division, which swore allegiance to Hitler and the Third Reich. But be careful, you're not Nazis as we know (wink, wink) Els quatre gats

That's right, ma'am, fascists, that's what VOX is, which by the way is propaganda for the regime because the reality is something else as we all know, they are cowards eeeh Pedro Dominguez

Blau ???? That's Catalan!— JoanFra Jūjika