Read in Catalan

United States president Donald Trump is aware of the political events occurring in Catalonia and has an opinion on the way the Spanish government is handling them. This is the only conclusion that can be drawn from a comment made by respected Spanish journalist Fernando Ónega on television network Antena 3. According to Ónega, the president of the United States gave the Spanish foreign minister, Josep Borrell, a dressing down on its response in Catalonia: "You're battering the most prosperous region in Europe."

In Ónega's opinion, "when Mr. Trump has this image of what is happening in Catalonia, we are doing something badly wrong."

Fernando Ónega, who in the 1970s was press secretary to Spanish prime minister Adolfo Suárez and has had a long career in Spanish media, began his commentary on the Spanish talk show Espejo público, noting that what is happening in Catalonia is not only spoken about in Europe, but also in the United States. And he gave as an example the words of the American president to the Spanish foreign minister Josep Borrell, the member of the Spanish government who is most outspoken in his views against the Catalan independence movement.