Read in Catalan

group of right-wing extremists assaulted a 29-year-old man in Mataró this Saturday evening after the demonstration to support the unity of Spain held in the Catalan coastal town today.

According to police sources, the incident occurred a little after 7pm on Saturday evening near C. Fray Luís de León in Mataró, when a group of 15 or 20 extreme right-wingers harassed the victim, who was leaving his home at the time and refused their demand that he chant "Long live Spain!"

TRANSLATION: Confirmed: at least one fascist assault after today's demonstration in Mataró. A resident was beaten up as he was leaving his home.

Near Plaça Cuba, a group of around 70 fascists harassed a young man and two of them punched him in the face- Committee for Defence of the Republic, Mataró

According to Mataró's Committee for Defence of the Republic, two members of the group punched the man in the face several times. As a result, the man suffered minor injuries and was taken by ambulance to the Emergency department of Mataró Hospital. For the moment, the victim has not formally made a complaint about the incident with the Mossos police.