Read in Catalan

Pablo Iglesias, leader of Spain's left-wing Podemos party, has strongly condemned the actions of Spanish security forces in Catalonia this morning through his Twitter account, where he directly addressed the Spanish Prime MInister Mariano Rajoy.

Translation: Is this what you call a 'victory', Mr Rajoy? #NotInMyName

In another tweet, Iglesias accuses the governing Partido Popular of being directly responsible for the situation: "Beating, pushing, elderly women dragged away. I am sickened by what the PP is doing to our democracy. Corrupt, hypocritical, useless," he says. This statement comes after another tweet on Saturday in which he denounced "tension" and families sleeping in schools, which is why he called for a negotiated referendum, "more sensible."

Unprecedented tension, families sleeping in schools, riot squads, a return to singing fascist hymns. Isn't it more sensible to agree to a referendum?

The situation has also been condemned by the Podemos spokesperson in the Spanish parliament, Irene Montero.

Firing rubber bullets against people mobilising civically? Not in the name of democracy. Not in the name of Spain. #NotInMyName

Podemos executive member Íñigo Errejón speaks of "humiliation":

Riot police breaking down school doors to confiscate ballot boxes. This image will damage the relationship with Catalonia for decades. Rajoy is a disaster

Trying to humiliate the Catalans, Rajoy makes all democratic Spaniards feel ashamed. #NotInMyName

An MP from the Valencia left-wing grouping Compromís, Enric Bataller, says:

We feel ASHAMED when we see images of police charging and people injured due to the political incompetence of the Partido Popular government #RajoyRESIGN

Meanwhile, Xavier Domènech, leader of the Catalan Podemos partner, En Comú Podem, considers that the "fear strategy" has been beaten.

Rajoy's fear strategy is a failure. An entire people has mobilised itself peacefully. Today we are going to defend democracy. #RajoyRESIGN