Read in Catalan

On the eve of the Diada, Catalonia's National Day, Wikileaks has published 129 alleged cables from the US embassy in Spain relating to Catalonia. The texts come from 2004 to 2010, and as such don't refer to the independence process, but they all discuss matters relating to Barcelona or Catalonia.

The leak has coincided with activist and Wikileak's founder, Julian Assange, making a number of tweets yesterday defending Catalonia's right to self-determination and against the use of force to block the vote.

The reports discuss all types of topic, from municipal elections whilst Jordi Hereu was mayor of Barcelona to mafia groups and from the linguistic situation within Spain to plans to open a Catalan delegation in New York.

This last topic, coming in a report dated 2008, explains the embassy's contacts with Roser Clavell, then Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Catalan government.