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The writer Mario Vargas Llosa has decided to leave writers' association PEN International after it called this Monday for the release of Jordi Cuixart and Jordi Sànchez. The news was announced by the newspaper El Mundo, explaining that Vargas Llosa, who was PEN's president 1977-79, has sent a letter to the current president, Jennifer Clement, explaining his reasons for leaving.

He says he is leaving in protest at the statement "full of lies and slander" that the organisation released "relating to the attempted coup d'état by Catalan independence supporters on 6th and 7th September and 1st October 2017".

The Peruvian writer has shown on numerous occasions his strong opposition to Catalan independence and has taken part in unionist demonstrations. Indeed, this weekend he took part in the PP party conference, where he strongly criticised Catalan nationalism".