Read in Catalan

The population of Catalonia continues to grow year after year, and in 2023 we have already reached the figure of 8 million inhabitants. This continued growth is also reflected in the population figures of towns throughout Catalonia, and according to the latest census update published by the INE (Spain's National Statistic Institute), with data corresponding to 2022, there have been some position changes among the 20 most populated towns and cities in Catalonia. The total population currently stands at over 8 million people, a figure which, according to IDESCAT (Statistical Institute of Catalonia), was exceeded on November 3rd 2023.

According to data published by the INE this December, Barcelona is still the most populated city in Catalonia, with 1,660,122 inhabitants. In second place is L'Hospitalet de Llobregat with 274,455 inhabitants, and the top three is closed by Badalona, which overtakes Terrassa, with 225,277 inhabitants. This is the most notable change in this list of 20 towns and cities, as Terrassa loses third position on the list and Badalona overtakes it. This is the only position change among the 10 most populated cities compared to 2021. Terrassa registered an increase of 1,163 inhabitants regarding the previous year, going from 224,114 to 225,277, but the increase was not enough to overtake the Badalona's population, which has grown by 2,451 inhabitants, going from 223.506 to 225.957 in a year.

Fifth place goes to Sabadell, with a total of 218,300 inhabitants. Lleida and Tarragona occupy sixth and seventh place, with 143,094 and 138,262 respectively. The top 10 most populated cities in Catalonia are Mataró (129,870 inhabitants), Santa Coloma de Gramenet (119,862 inhabitants) and Reus (108,479 inhabitants). It is worth noting that Girona is in eleventh position, with 104,320 inhabitants, just over a thousand less than Reus. Of the 20 towns that make up the list, 16 are part of the Barcelona area, two of Tarragona's, one of Lleida's and one of Girona's.

Catalonia, where the population has grown the most in the whole of Spain in 2023

The population of Catalonia is the fastest-growing in Spain in 2023. This is reflected in the data from the population census on January 1st published by the INE, which shows an increase of 140,140 people in Catalonia —1.8% more than the previous year—. Some distance behind are the Community of Madrid and the Valencian Country, which have seen their populations increase by 128,649 and 108,079 people respectively. With natural growth being negative in Catalonia since 2018 —more deaths than births— the population growth seen this year is due to the increase in foreigners. In fact, the population with foreign nationality in Catalonia has gone from 1.24 million people in 2022 to 1.36 million in 2023 —an increase of 10.2%, a figure 0.3 points below the state's total—. In contrast, the population with Spanish nationality has only grown by 0.2%, from 6.53 million to 6.54 million.