Read in Catalan

48.7% of Catalans want Catalonia to be an independent state, compared to 43.6% who don't, according to the latest survey by the Catalan government's CEO (Centre of Opinion Studies). 6.5% don't know and 1.3% didn't reply.

The percentage of those who support independence has shot up in the survey, turning the result of the previous one on its head. That time, 'no' clearly beat 'yes' by 49.4% to 41.1%.

'Yes' had increased by 7.6 points whilst 'no' has dropped by 5.8. Moreover, the percentage of support for 'yes' is the highest for three years and is the second time that it has been higher than 'no' since June 2016.

The survey, the third of 2017, was carried out between 16th and 29th October, that is, starting a fortnight after the 1st October referendum declared illegal by the Constitutional Court and up to two days after the proclamation of the Catalan Republic on 27th October. The previous survey was from June.

The summary, in Catalan: