Read in Catalan

The Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, has called on PP, the main opposition party in Spain, to support the measures it plans to apply with respect to the Catalan conflict: "The Spanish government doesn't want to open any more legal paths, rather find a solution through dialogue". Sánchez urged the PP to be "loyal", which, he says, "PSOE [was] when Mariano Rajoy was in government".

Despite insisting on the need to find a negotiated solution, Sánchez doesn't discount the option of applying article 155 of the Spanish Constitution again: "If it's necessary to talk of [article] 155 again, we will". That was the article of the Constitution used by Mariano Rajoy's PP government last year to suspend Catalan autonomy, fire the Catalan government and call an election to the Catalan Parliament.

As for this week's meeting of the bilateral Spain-Catalonia commission, the first in seven years, he sees it as "a good starting point". As a message for Catalan president Quim Torra, he said he's prepared to negotiate, "but with the Constitution in hand".