Read in Catalan

The instructing judge of Barcelona's court 13 refused to remove the handcuffs from the officials arrested by the Civil Guard on Wednesday accused of helping prepare the referendum when they appeared in court today.

Police protocol requires detainees to be handcuffed when being taken from the cells to the courtroom. Once inside to testify, however, the judge normally asks for the handcuffs to be removed.

Today the defence lawyers asked for this, but the judge refused their request, alleging that this was following Mossos d'Esquadra (Catalan police) protocol.

The six detainees called on their right to remain silent. The prosecutor didn't ask for provisional imprisonment as a cautionary measure, as such the judge had to set them free pending trial.

Not even with the prospect of imminent freedom were their handcuffs removed. Instead, they were sent back to the cells whilst waiting for the orders to be drafted.