Read in Catalan

Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont, has sent a tweet in response to the controversy following his leaked messages to minister Toni Comín. "I'm human and there are moments when I doubt too. I'm also the president and I won't shrink or turn back," he says.

Translation: I'm a journalist and I've always understood that there are limits, like privacy, which should never be violated. I'm human and there are moments when I also have doubts. I'm also the president and I won't shrink nor turn back. On the subject, thanks and commitment to the citizens and the country. Onward!

This was Puigdemont's first reaction after Spanish channel Telecinco broadcast images of the mobile belonging to minister Toni Comín showing messages apparently from the president, saying that he has been "sacrificed" and that the Spanish government's strategy has "triumphed".

Puigdemont didn't deny the authenticity of the messages, but reminds his followers that he is a journalist and believes that there are limits which should never be crossed in the profession.