Read in Catalan

36 hours after Spain's Supreme Court announced its decisions in the Catalan independence trial​, the protests against the verdicts show no signs of stopping. What is starting to emerge, however, is a notable contrast. On the one hand you have the regular events organised by Òmnium and ANC, demonstrating the peaceful nature the independence movement has prided itself on over the years. Tonight, for example, they protested near the Spanish government delegation to Catalonia in Barcelona. Thousands of protesters (40,000 according to the Urban Guard) held candles, saw musical performances and listened to letters from the prisoners read by their friends.

On the other hand, other demonstrators clashed with police around the centre. They set fires in the middle of roads and threw objects at the police, who had set up barricades three streets from the delegation. Protests, often with the same duality, were also seen in towns and cities around Catalonia like Girona, Lleida, Tarragona, Vic, Tortosa, Terrassa, Puigcerdà, Mataró and Igualada.

Below is a selection of videos from Barcelona: