Read in Catalan

CDR1 Casc Antic has published a video with never-before-seen images of the police repression during last year's Catalan independence referendum. Bearing the slogan "No more manipulation, no more lies", the video compiles events at Barcelona's Institut Pau Claris school, where residents defended the ballot boxes.

The images are previously unpublished and synchronised, using 74 clips, to show developments in real-time over 33 minutes. The video is entitled Nosaltres hi érem, "we were there".


The images show the aggression by Spanish police against hundred of people with their hands in the air and shouting "som gent de pau" (we're people of peace), attempting to protect the ballot boxes.


Translator's note: 1. The CDR are grassroots groups around Catalonia, "Committees for the Defence of the Republic".