Catalan civil society organisation Òmnium Cultural has started a campaign to raise the international profile of the trial of pro-independence Catalan leaders, including its own president, Jordi Cuixart.
🎥 El #JudiciALaDemocràcia ressonarà a tot arreu! Hem d'arribar a 20 milions d'europeus sensibilitzats amb la defensa dels drets humans. Impliquem-los en la nostra lluita!
— Òmnium Cultural (@omnium) 22 de març de 2019
Ajuda'ns a fer-ho possible fent un donatiu:
The organisation's vice-president, Marcel Mauri, has explained this Friday that the campaign aims to "prepare the playing field because this battle is to be played out in Europe". The expectation is that any convictions from the court in Madrid will be appealed to the European Court of Human Rights.
One aspect of the campaign will be focused on social media, including the video in the tweet above, especially aimed at the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and Sweden. They also plan to hold further events on the case in different countries.
🔴 @marcelmauri: Des d'una entitat com Òmnium, que no rep cap euro públic, quan fem campanyes d'aquesta ambició també treballem perquè qualsevol persona que vulgui ajudar, també hi pugui contribuir. Tothom pot fer les seves donacions des del web:
— Òmnium Cultural (@omnium) 22 de març de 2019