Read in Catalan

Some 200 lawyers have gathered today in front of the TSJC (Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia). They called on judges and prosecutors to be brave in "applying the rights and justice without any political order" in a manifesto read out outside the court. They also demanded them to speak out against the politicisation of justice: "don't join the judicial nonsense".

The lawyers announced they will report police who, during the vote on Sunday, detain voters and confiscate referendum material.

The manifesto called for "respect for the rights that the [Spanish] state is taking away" and to defend "the rights of the citizens, the rights of assembly, freedom of the press, private correspondence and the right to self-determination".

The lawyers, of different bar associations around Catalonia, called together by the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Vic, proclaimed that the referendum isn't a crime and ended with a shout of "freedom, smiles and peace and tranquillity".