Read in Catalan

The vice-president of the ANC (Catalan National Assembly), Agustí Alcoverro, has this Thursday released a statement sent by the pro-independence organisation's president, Jordi Sànchez, from prison, where he is being held without bail pending trial on charges of sedition related to organising demonstrations in the run-up to the 1st October referendum. In the short notes, Sànchez calls on the Catalan government to look for "agreement up to the last minute" to "not make it easy for them".

Sànchez also says that "the time is coming for the Assembly of Elected Officials", a register of more than 2000 Catalan mayors, deputies and councillors, committed to defending the institutions of Catalonia in the case of an "exceptional political situation". "The world will hear the legitimate voice of the elected officials if the Spanish state kills our government and our Parliament," he argues.

The assembly, presented in October 2016, was promoted by the Association of Municipalities for Independence and is a register of volunteers who, if the Catalan institutions are suppressed, would form a "democratic instrument" to defend the institutions and guarantee the independence process.

"Wisdom, courage and unity are key," adds Sànchez. ANC's president ends quoting the Catalan poet Joan Maragall: "light in our eyes, strength in our arm".

Translation: Thread by Jordi Sànchez from prison: Wisdom, courage and unity are key. Look for agreement until the last moment. Let's not make it easy for them. 

Light in our eyes, strength in our arm. The moment is coming for the Assembly of Elected Officials. 

The world will hear the legitimate voice of the elected officials if the Spanish state kills our government and our Parliament.