Read in Catalan

The new president of the European Parliament, David-Maria Sassoli, has accepted to send a legal report from the institution to the Court of Justice of the European Union in the case of Oriol Junqueras. A vote behind closed doors in the Parliament's committee on legal affairs this morning encouraged him to do so.

Now the chamber's legal services will have to draft a report on Junqueras' situation. The former Catalan vice-president won a seat for pro-independence party ERC in the European Parliament in May's election, but the Supreme Court has kept him in provisional detention since late 2017 and he was unable to take it up.

According to commttee vice-chair Ibán Garcia del Blanco (PSOE), the text will have no "political charge", being instead purely focused on legal arguments based on European law. The oral hearing in Luxembourg on the Junqueras case is scheduled for 14th October.