Read in Catalan

Hopes from the world of Catalan business in terms of progress during the second quarter of the year are positive according to the latest Catalonia business climate survey carried out by Idescat and Barcelona's Chamber of Commerce. Specifically, among those surveyed, the percentage who are positive about this coming quarter is 14.7 points higher than those who are negative, a 5.2 point increase on last quarter's result.

Broken down by sectors, all present positive balances for this second quarter of 2019. Stand out is the service sector minus hospitality, where 17.8 points more professionals are positive about this quarter than are negative. The graph below shows the saldo de respostes for each sector, which is the result when the percentage of negative responses about expectations for development is subtracted from the percentage of positive responses. The sectors considered are industry (blue), construction (red), trade (green), hospitality (yellow) and other services (purple).