Read in Catalan

The ANC (Catalan National Assembly) has given internal instructions to its territorial organisations to be at polling stations at 7am on Sunday. The objective is to hand out voting slips and to organise people to achieve "huge, orderly queues" before voting opens at 9am.

In the internal document, revealed by Catalan newspaper ARA, the pro-independence entity recommends "peaceful resistance, zero violence and maximum attendance". It also calls for people to "not directly confront" Mossos d'Esquadra (Catalan police) if they take action against the vote. The ANC also asks its members to act with "maximum institutional dignity", so that 1st October doesn't become a "spectacle". The document says that "we're exercising popular sovereignty and helping the Catalan government to carry out the referendum".

In the context of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia's decision to take control of the activities to prevent the referendum, the ANC warns that members will have to be ready to "spend hours" in front of polling stations. As such, it recommends bringing "food, drinks and maybe umbrellas", given the forecast.

Their basic plan is for members to stay at the doors of polling stations "as a form of protest" if they are closed off. They reject the organisation of an "alternative vote".

The note: