Rihanna s'ha quedat de pedra després de rebre una fotografia en el seu telèfon mòbil. La cantant de Barbados contemplava atònita la imatge d'una nena que respon al nom (artístic) d'Ala’Sky, una model infantil que és, sense cap mena de discussió, el seu clon. Són idèntiques. La sorpresa ha estat de tal magnitud que no li ha caigut el terminal al terra de miracle. Una sorpresa compartida per milions d'internautes en poc més d'un dia, fregant els 7 milions de 'm'agrada' i els 90.000 comentaris. La xifra segueix creixent sense control. La similitud és esgarrifosa.


almost drop my phone. how?

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Rihanna suggeridora @badgalriri


Hi ha hagut qui ha pensat que Rihanna estava prenent el pèl als seus seguidors utilitzant l'app de moda, FaceApp. Però no hi ha truc ni artifici. La nena és real al 100%, com es pot comprovar als comptes d'Instagram de la seva mare (@iambriakay_) i de la pròpia protagonista (@iamhoneyy__). A Twitter també hi ha hagut molta conya.


Dear daughter, Today my heart is so full of love and gratitude. My mind feels enlightened and my love feels strengthened. I smile at the little things and cherish each moment of happiness. You broke my barrier into motherhood. You were the light I never knew I needed. You were my first introduction into the true meaning of selfless, unconditional love. You unknowingly challenged me to be better, encouraged me to fight harder and at times annoyingly forced me to become a more patient. Your life has given me breath in so many ways. You have taught me the importance of self reflection and reminded me that how I see myself will influence how you see yourself. The thought of you influences every decision I make. The moment you were born as we made our first introduction face to face, I vowed to give you all of me. I vow to show you the strength of womanhood. I vow to expose you to the power you innately possess. I vow to endlessly encourage you to seek knowledge and empower your mind. I vow to remind you always that true beauty is measured from within. I vow to always remind you to love yourself first. I vow to share with you all of the lessons I have learned but also allow you to make your own mistakes. I vow to be the place you can come to feel uplifted and protected. I vow to be there for you always, through it all. Thank you for always loving me so unconditionally, even when I am not in the best of moods. Thank you for those unexpected kisses and hugs from behind. Thank you for exceeding every expectation I’ve ever had of having a child. Thank you for just being you. Thank you for gifting me as your mother. Happy Birthday Honeyy B 🍯🐝

A post shared by 💕Ala’a Skyy💕 (@iambriakay_) on


Me and my sister 💕👭

A post shared by 🐘🌻Briaaaa 🌻🐘 (@iamhoneyy__) on

nina igual rihanna 2 @iambriakay_


Rihanna pensativa @badgalriri


La commoció per l'aparició de la doble de Rihanna ha esvalotat també un gran nombre de celebrities: Des del raper Snoop Dog a la model Tyra Banks, que ha engegat una campanya per convertir a la nena en una top model internacional. En tot cas, l'aparició de l'Ala'Sky "compleix" (a mitges) el desig que més il·lusió faria a l'artista: Convertir-se en mare. Al menys, ja sap que se sent en veure una criatura idèntica a ella.