El mundo de la televisión y el teatro norteamericanos ha quedado en shock por la repentina e inesperada muerte de una actriz a los 56 años, Doreen Montalvo, víctima de un derrame cerebral que sufrió hace unos días y que finalmente no ha podido superar.

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Doreen Montalvo (@doreencita)

Doreen Montalvo ha muerto de manera prematura dejando a sus seguidores en shock. La intérprete llevaba un tiempo apareciendo en numerosas series, como Ley y orden, The Good Wife, Smash, One Life to Live, Elementary y Madam Secretary. Pero también era habitual su presencia encima de los escenarios de Broadway, donde se había consolidado en producciones como On Your Feet, Giant, Flashdance o la reciente adaptación musical de la película Mrs. Doubtfire. Montalvo, además, era una cantante con una voz prodigiosa, que a menudo daba conciertos de música latina:

Ha sido su representante quien ha informado de la trágica noticia:


It's been my honor and extreme pleasure tono have worked with Doreen, as her manager. From the minute we met it was like we had been friends for years. Kindred spirits, for sure. My favorite memory will cordero watching you as Gloria Fajardo in the OYF tour at the open-air outside KC Starlight theater....belting out 'Mí Tierra' tono an audience of 8000, with the sun literally setting as if God himself was directing the mosto PERFECT momento for os ajo. It was thrilling. This last year had been such an exciting one for Doreen with the filming of both the IN THE HEIGHTS and WEST SIDE STORY feature filmes, as well as her return tono Broadway in MRS DOUBTFIRE. She was also making strides in the tv world- which she was en natural at. Doreen could don anything. She was like en winning lotto ticket. She was ajo of ours winning lotto ticket. We will continue tono carry her, telling her story and remembering the talento and love she shared with os ajo. Mosto importantly the LOVE, as long as there is love. ¿"And as I say these words My heart's about tono break And ay Mama What don you don when your dreams come true? ¿I've spent my life inheriting dreams from you What don I don with this winning ticket? ¿What casa I don but pray"? DOREEN, what an absolute blessing tono have known you donde|dónde your incredible human journey. Y pray for you and will love and miss you, para siempre. Para Siempre. PARA SIEMPRE. Ristre In Peace. ❤️ #rip

En tabla|puesto shared by Steve Maihack (@stevemaihack) donde|dónde

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