L'actriu Selma Blair va començar a fer-se un nom en la indústria de Hollywood gràcies a dos papers ben diferents, en una comèdia i una pel·lícula de superherois de còmic. A Una rubia muy legal, protagonitzada per Reese Witherspoon, on feia el paper d'una alumna repipi i filla de papá  acostumada a tenir tot el que vol.

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Una rubia muy legal

Després, a Hellboy, acompanyant el diable amb banyes de color vermell, Blair va guanyar-se els adeptes en els films d'acció.

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Després, arribarien Crueles intenciones, La cosa más dulce o sèries com Anger Management o actualment, Another life. Ara ha commogut els seus seguidors en escriure una publicació a Instagram revelant que pateix esclerosi múltiple. L'actriu nordamericana, de 46 anys, explica com se sent després que li diagnostiquessin aquesta malaltia crònica del sistema nerviós central el passat estiu, després de patir símptomes durant anys: "Probablement he tingut aquesta malaltia incurable des de fa 15 anys. Estic incapacitada, caic sovint. Em cauen algunes coses. La meva memòria és borrosa. I el meu costat esquerre està demanant indicacions a un GPS trencat. Ric, i no sé exactament què faré, però ho faré el millor que pugui".


I was in this wardrobe fitting two days ago. And I am in the deepest gratitude. So profound, it is, I have decided to share. The brilliant costumer #Allisaswanson not only designs the pieces #harperglass will wear on this new #Netflix show , but she carefully gets my legs in my pants, pulls my tops over my head, buttons my coats and offers her shoulder to steady myself. I have #multiplesclerosis . I am in an exacerbation. By the grace of the lord, and will power and the understanding producers at Netflix , I have a job. A wonderful job. I am disabled. I fall sometimes. I drop things. My memory is foggy. And my left side is asking for directions from a broken gps. But we are doing it . And I laugh and I don’t know exactly what I will do precisely but I will do my best. Since my diagnosis at ten thirty pm on The night of August 16, I have had love and support from my friends , especially @jaime_king @sarahmgellar @realfreddieprinze @tarasubkoff @noah.d.newman . My producers #noreenhalpern who assured me that everyone has something. #chrisregina #aaronmartin and every crew member... thank you. I am in the thick of it but I hope to give some hope to others. And even to myself. You can’t get help unless you ask. It can be overwhelming in the beginning. You want to sleep. You always want to sleep. So I don’t have answers. You see, I want to sleep. But I am a forthcoming person and I want my life to be full somehow. I want to play with my son again. I want to walk down the street and ride my horse. I have MS and I am ok. But if you see me , dropping crap all over the street, feel free to help me pick it up. It takes a whole day for me alone. Thank you and may we all know good days amongst the challenges. And the biggest thanks to @elizberkley who forced me to see her brother #drjasonberkley who gave me this diagnosis after finding lesions on that mri. I have had symptoms for years but was never taken seriously until I fell down in front of him trying to sort out what I thought was a pinched nerve. I have probably had this incurable disease for 15 years at least. And I am relieved to at least know. And share. my instagram family... you know who you are.

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Blair, que ha agraït el suport de companys de professió, com Sara Michelle Gellar, i dels productors de la sèrie que encara roda, explica que l'han d'ajudar a vestir-se, especialment la cap de vestuari, però que vol "tornar a jugar amb el meu fill una altra vegada. Vull caminar pel carrer i muntar a cavall. Si em veieu llençant les meves coses pel carrer, podeu ajudar-me a recollir-les. Si ho faig sola, m'hi puc estar tot el dia".