Feijóo and fear in politics
The candidates to replace Rajoy at head of PP: Feijóo, Santamaría and Cospedal
Conversations from Rajoy's farewell meeting with PP leaked
Mariano Rajoy resigns as leader of PP
Madrid press doesn't take the end of Rajoy well
Catalan TV news in 10 minutes
Rajoy gave 'no' vote number 155 against the motion of no-confidence
Rajoy bids farewell: "It's been an honour to leave a better Spain"
Pedro Sánchez, invested prime minister of Spain with 180 votes against Mariano Rajoy
Revenge, a dish served cold
Catalan TV news in 10 minutes
Rajoy won't resign so motion of no-confidence will go ahead
It's not a motion of no-confidence, it's a crisis of state
Basque Nationalists will topple Spanish prime minister Rajoy
Catalan TV news in 10 minutes
Podemos to present motion of no-confidence in Rajoy if PSOE's fails
Sánchez is drowning in his no-confidence motion
Catalan TV news in 10 minutes
Catalan TV news in 10 minutes
Sánchez to call elections if motion of no-confidence successful, but doesn't say when
A compulsory motion of no-confidence
Sánchez studying motion of no-confidence in Rajoy after the Gürtel verdict
Court questions "credibility" of Mariano Rajoy's testimony
The Basque Nationalists' word and their pact with the PP
Rajoy saves the legislature as Basque Nationalists vote 'yes' to his 2018 budget
Torra defies Rajoy, to go ahead with swearing in new Catalan ministers
Bloomberg: "Catalan issue once again threatens Spain's 2018 budget"
Rajoy agrees with PSOE and Cs to continue direct rule over Catalonia
Spain threatens to block Torra's reappointment of imprisoned and exiled ministers
President Quim Torra's letter to Rajoy asking for a meeting "with no conditions"
Mr Rajoy, put a date in your diary
Catalan TV news in 10 minutes
Rajoy and Sánchez renew their alliance over Torra's "xenophobic character"
Rajoy warns Valencia not to take the same path as Catalonia
Friendly fire and the state's secret cesspit